"An extension of a q-deformed Heisenberg algebra and a solution to the " by Mark Anthony C. Merciales

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mathematics


College of Science


Mathematics and Statistics

Thesis Adviser

Rafael Reno S. Cantuba

Defense Panel Chair

Arlene A. Pascasio

Defense Panel Member

Edmundo R. Perez, Jr.
Reginaldo M. Marcelo


Let F be a field and fix a q ϵ F. The q-deformed Heisenberg algebra H(q) is the unital associative algebra over F with generators A, B and relation AB - qBA = I, where I is the multiplicative identity in H(q). We extend H(q) into an algebra R(q) defined by generators A, B and a relation which asserts that AB - qBA is central in R(q). We introduce a new generator γ:= AB - qBA and give an alternate presentation for R(q) by generators and relations; the generators are A, B, γ. We show that the vectors γhBmAn (h, m, n ϵ N) form a basis for the algebra R(q). We introduce a new generator C := [A,B] = AB - BA and give another presentation for R(q) by generators and relations; the generators are A, B, C, γ. We also show that given nonzero q 6= 1, the vectors γhCkBl, γhCkAt (h, k, l ϵ N; t ϵ Z+) form a basis for the algebra R(q). We determine the equivalent expression of AnBm for any natural number m and n, as linear combination of basis elements wherein scalar coefficients involved are related to q-special combinatorics. Also, we investigate properties of R(q) involving the Lie bracket. We denote by L the Lie subalgebra R(q) generated by A, B. We show that the vectors γhCnAm, γhBmCn, {n + 1}qγhCn+1 - {n}qγh+1Cn, A, B, C (m; n ϵ Z+; h ϵ N) form a basis for the Lie subalgebra L.

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Associative algebras; Lie algebras

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