Date of Publication


Document Type

Insider Action Research

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization

Thesis Adviser

Patrick H. Aure

Defense Panel Chair

Maria Paquita Bonnet

Defense Panel Member

Jaime T. Cempron
Denver D. Daradar


This Insider Action Research discusses the integration of a multi-channel online retailing in Uniconcepts Multi Sales Company. As digitalization continues to evolve in business and society, it has greatly transformed the retail industry into engaging in e-commerce. The Internet and mobile devices have attracted millions of consumers to search and buy products online, which created business opportunities for retailers to increase online sales. (Nguyen, Leeuw, Dullaert, 2018). The Multi-channel distribution has allowed our company to let our customer to engage and purchase either through our website, online marketplace, or online community. These channels also enabled our customers to purchase in retail from our company.

This study is founded on the action research methodology advocated by Coghlan and Brannick (2014). This project of integrating a multi-channel online retailing was completed in four cycles by application of constructive action research tools of first, second and third person skills. The research tools used in the cycles has opened unexpected discoveries towards our goal, which led to continuous process improvement.

In a broader context, other companies could use this action research as a reference in achieving a multi-channel online retailing through the Modified Order Fulfillment in Online Retailing framework. However, this research is anchored on constant process improvement which I have no claim that it can be immediately applied to similar organizations. Proper research, application and consideration must be done accordingly.

Abstract Format







Retail trade; Electronic commerce; Selling—Packaging

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