Added Title

Optimizing 5th Ray Corporation's spare parts inventory process

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Operations and Supply Chain Management


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization

Thesis Adviser

Jaime Cempron

Defense Panel Chair

Pia Manalastas

Defense Panel Member

Divina Edralin
Maricel Balatbat


This Integrative Action Research paper's primary focus is to improve the efficiency in 5th Ray Corporation’s inventory process through a cloud-based inventory system. Through the use of first, second, and third-person inquiry, my collaborators and I were able to dig deeper into the issue of prevalence of errors and slow turn-around time in the inventory process and provide a proper resolution to benefit the company and our employees. Guided by the DMAIC Model, we engaged in a series of meetings and planning activities followed by developing and deploying a cloud-based inventory system to achieve positive results.

We conducted a total of two cycles to achieve the objectives of this action research. The first cycle involved developing and deploying a cloud-based inventory system, which happened from January to July 2020. The second cycle, or Cycle 1.1, was a diversion cycle due to the enhanced community quarantine implemented in March 2020. The second cycle involved adjustments in the new system training, wherein we conducted two weeks of virtual training in April 2020.

Reflecting on the content, process, and premise surrounding the action research project, my outlook on our organization and its members have changed for the better. The success of this action research project is greatly attributed to the collaboration efforts and teamwork that my colleagues and I shared.

Abstract Format







Inventory control; Automobile industry and trade—Inventory control

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