Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Engineering major in Electronics and Communications Engineering

Subject Categories



Gokongwei College of Engineering


Electronics and Communications Engineering

Thesis Adviser

Roberto T. Caguingin

Defense Panel Chair

Enrique M. Manzano

Defense Panel Member

Antonette Roque
Edzel Lapira


This write-up provides brief Business Case Report of using Transmission Microwave Hub Node. This is an initiative to present technical superiority and cost effectiveness of the new product. The design shall apply radio transmission theory, path calculation, and quality and availability targets. Due to some disclosure limitations, this project is not intended to disclose full information of transmission product and microwave design calculation. However, this shall provide a brief overview of Transmission Network Design (TND) of the operator's PDH Microwave Transmission for the 2 areas in Luzon namely North Luzon, South Luzon only. The transmission network design shall cover the capacity required with considerations for future upgrades. This requirement shall only cover clusters of 21 and 10 new PDH links for North Luzo and South Luzon Area respectively. For the purpose of business case analysis, sites with highly dense hubs with at least 2 hops or traffic are aggregating in 1 site shall only be considered. Case 1: Using Traditional Classic Microwave Solution. Split Terminal is a pit-to point microwave product providing traffic capacity from 2 up to 34+2 (17x12) Mbps, operating within the 7 to 38 Ghz frequency bands. It comprises an indoor access module and outdoor radio unit with antenna. Radio terminals can be configured for different network types: star, tree or ring. It can be configured as well for unprotected (1+0) terminals, protected (1+1) terminals or ring protection. Case 2: Using Transmission Microwave Hub Node Solution. Hub Node offers integrated traffic routing, PDH, and SDH Multiplexing as well as protection mechanisms on link and network level. Configurations range from small and sites with one single radio terminal to large hub sites where all the traffic from a number of southbound links aggregate into one links, microwave or optical, in the northbound direction. The equipment on a site is a combination of basic node and radio terminals.

Abstract Format



Project paper





Physical Description

48 leaves


Microwave transmission lines; Telecommunication lines; Wave guides; Telephone systems

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