Environmental leadership of professors from selected Universities in Metro Manila and Laguna

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Behavioral Sciences with a track in Environmental Studies

Subject Categories

Environmental Studies


College of Liberal Arts


Behavioral Sciences

Thesis Adviser

Dennis S. Erasga

Defense Panel Chair

Myla, M. Arcinas

Defense Panel Member

Alicia B. Manlagnit
Cristina A. Rodriguez


This study sought to determine the environmental leadership of selected professors of Philippine universities in terms of their tripartite roles related to teaching, research and community engagement. Their socio-demographic profile, which included work profile and disciplinary bases were used to determine their influence to the the tripartite roles and eventually to their perception of their environmental leadership. The study was quantitative in design. A social survey questionnaire was constructed and administered among purposively sampled professors who were chosen using pre-determined criteria set by the researcher. While the study did not find any significant relationship between socio-demographic characteristics vis-Ã vis the three spheres of leadership, it was found that tenured and more matured professors were significantly involved in teaching, research and community engagement. This finding suggested that professors tend to boost their credentials both for career and personal development. In addition to age, their disciplinary orientations were also found to be quite instrumental in shaping their respective environmental advocacies due most likely to their academic and professional networks which extends to provide quality to the performance of their fundamental roles as teachers and researchers. The study found that climate change was the dominant research focus of the professors. Conclusions suggested the role of age and disciplinary orientations as critical factors in shaping environmental leadership of professors while their perception of the effectiveness of their role as environmental leaders are gravitated around their professional involvements inside and outside the schools where they teach.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 computer optical disc ; 4 3/4 in.


Leadership--Environmental aspects; Educational leadership

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