"A follow-up study of the graduates of the La Salle Green Hills high sc" by Asuncion A. Cariño

A follow-up study of the graduates of the La Salle Green Hills high school department 1968-1974

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Psychology


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Imelda Villar

Defense Panel Chair

Leticia M. Asuzano

Defense Panel Member

Rose Marie C. Salazar
Carmel Espero
Imelda Villar


This study described the La Salle Green Hills (LSGH) high school graduates of 1968-1974. The method of research used in this study was the survey method by means of a questionnaire directed towards acquiring descriptive information on the LSGH high school graduates. A questionnaire-checklist was mailed to 35% of the total population of 2,005 LSGH graduates. Selection of the alumni was done on a stratified random sampling basis, the strata being the years 1968-1974. The actual number of respondents involved in the study was 165, i.e. 34%, of the 705 students who were sent a copy of the follow-up questionnaire. Statistical tools employed were the percentages and ranking, weighted mean method and the Spearman rank difference correlation method. The following conclusions have been drawn based on the findings : 1. LSGH high school claims to be a college-preparatory school in its philosophy and objectives. The findings of the present investigation confirm such a claim, in general. 2. It would appear that LSGH, as a college-preparatory school has in general adequately prepared its students for college. Most of the respondents are still in school, have not (as a whole) dropped out of school and seem able to tackle college work. However, areas which would have better prepared the graduates for tertiary education such as effective use of time, study habits/methods and use of library facilities, were found to be insufficient and therefore seemed to be in need of more emphasis in high school life. 3. It also appeared that the high school curriculum in general adequately prepared the students for college work however, the mathematics and science subject areas were found inadequate in terms of preparing the students for their college studies therefore, it can be said that the respondents felt they were not as well prepared in these subject areas as they were in other areas such as English and the social sciences. 4. It can also be concluded, that the extra class activities--while availed of by the respondents--were lacking i

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

252 leaves, 28 cm. ; Typescript


La Salle Green Hills (Philippines)--Alumni and alumnae; La Salle Green Hills (Philippines)--Curricula

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