"A Construct validation of the spirituality scales of the multicontext " by Galen G. Cortes

A Construct validation of the spirituality scales of the multicontext assessment battery of youth development (MAB-YD)

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Psychology Major in Psychological Measurement


College of Liberal Arts



Thesis Adviser

Elmer P. Dadios


This study examines the spirituality scales of the Multi-Context Assessment Battery of Youth Development - MAB-YD to determine its underlying factors and substantiate the presence of three distinct dimensions (spirituality, spirituality-based character and behaviors, and religiosity). The research proposal is construct validation in nature and quantitative in approach. The participants of the study are 695 female and male students (15 to 29 years old). They come from high schools and public universities in different provinces. Middle-age respondents consist of 136 female and male individuals (40 to 65 years old). They come from the same places/community as the youth. Exploratory factor analysis (Study 1a) was conducted on each of the three MABYD spirituality scales. Results indicated that each scale had one distinct underlying factor. Confirmatory factor analysis (Study 1b) established further the presence of the three correlated but separate latent factors. To examine convergent and discriminant validity (Study 2), the MAB-YD spirituality scales was correlated with other similar and different spirituality and religiosity scales. Result showed that spirituality was correlated with love of God but significantly different with search for meaning, spiritualitybased character and behaviors was associated with love of others but not significantly with positive attitude toward God, and religiosity was strongly correlated with religious commitment but not with mindfulness. The t-test of independent means (Study 3) indicated that the MAB-YD spirituality scales were able to differentiate spirituality and spirituality-based character and behaviors between the youth and middleage respondents but not significantly in religiosity. In general, the findings of the research support the use of MAB-YD spirituality scale to measure spirituality, ii spirituality-based character and behaviors, and religiosity. Results of the study provide evidence that MAB-YD spiritual scale is valid and measures distinct correlated constructs. Analysis reveals that modified MAB-YD spiritual scale is internally consistent and reliable.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 computer optical disc ; 4 3/4 in.

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