"The effects of academic parental influence on the academic self-effica" by Maria Goretti Tigidi Sangma

The effects of academic parental influence on the academic self-efficacy of Filipino adolescents

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Counseling


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Nino Jose Mateo

Defense Panel Chair

Jose Alberto S. Reyes
Ma. Cristina Saldivar

Defense Panel Member

Aime Guarino


The purpose of the study was to examine the four aspects of Academic Parental Influence namely valuing, monitoring, helping and pressuring as predictors of Academic Self-Efficacy among Filipino adolescents in Metro Manila. The participants were 300 Filipino High school students studying in Paco Catholic School. The participants completed Inventory of Parental Influence (IPI) and Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C). Linear multiple regression was employed in this study. The findings of the study showed that among the variables studied only pressuring was not correlated to the academic self-efficacy of Filipino adolescents. However, only monitoring was found to significantly predict academic self-efficacy while the aspects of valuing and helping did not significantly predict academic self-efficacy of Filipino adolescents. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were made for the benefit of those in the helping profession, and also some other research possibilities in the field of academic self-efficacy.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 computer optical disc ; 4 3/4 in.

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