"Community informatics framework for the localization of Maternal Heal" by Sarah Angeles

Community informatics framework for the localization of Maternal Health and Childcare (MHCC) in the rural communities


Sarah Angeles

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Technology


College of Computer Studies


Information Technology

Thesis Adviser

Sherwin E. Ona


Over the years, MHCC concerns have figured predominantly in the national health program of the Philippines. With its commitment to attain its MDG targets by 2015, the Aquino Health Agenda of 2010 once again highlighted this priority by increasing financial resource allocation to mobilize MHCC initiatives that can improve the situation on the ground. Despite the allocation, it is still estimated that 11-15 mothers die every day due to pregnancy related complications (UNICEF, 2009) (NSO, 2012). This phenomenon is highly attributed by the socio-economic status(Reducing maternal and infant mortality, 2010), a social determinant of health(WHO, 2008) emphasizing disparities on health practices among women denoted by inequity access to health services (Romualdez Jr., et al., 2011).

Structuration Theory looks into the MHCC localization practices at the rural community that have shaped the public health care system through the interweaving of different stakeholders with the devolved health structure (ADB: Devolution and Decentralization, 2001). As government continuous to adopt resource-oriented and top-down approach (Department Memorandum 2011-0106, 2011), people tend to be passive recipient of health initiatives (Blueprint for UHC 2010-2015 and Beyond, 2011). Moreover, this approach does not promote health-seeking behavior which makes health initiatives unsustainable.

The emergence of ICT has certainly shaped our life. With its advancement, gaps on social determinant of health should no longer be hopeless. This calls for new ways of looking at MHCC concerns beyond the current resource-oriented and top-down approach. As alternate view, the study presents Participatory Development (PD) in localization of MHCC initiatives and ICT for development (ICT4D) through Community Informatics (CI) as modality to address the health development challenges in MHCC. While CI framework harnesses opportunities to empower community participation enabled by ICT system (Gurstein, CI enabling communities with ICT, 2000) and integrates essential elements critical to the exploitation and implementation of suitable ICT4D application to improve MHCC condition in the rural community.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

leaves ; 4 3/4 in.

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