"Information systems strategic plan of Palawan State University" by Venzon L. Limpiada

Information systems strategic plan of Palawan State University

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Technology


College of Computer Studies


Information Technology


This thesis entitled Information Systems Strategic Plan for Palawan State University is aimed at crafting a 3-year comprehensive IS/IT blueprint for the Palawan State University for the period 2013-2015,that will provide the institution a strategic and competitive advantage through leveraged use of ICT in the course of its operation as educational institution with integrated IS/IT and organizational strategies. This was undertaken in the direction of top management officials of the University in cooperation with the ICT Department employees led by the researcher himself. It specifically sought to answer the following questions: How will the University migrate from legacy systems to an e-enabled working environment? What role can ICT play in facing the prevailing organizational developmentrelated concerns? How to leverage the management of ICTs, recognized as a critical organizational resource, in a way that will best enhance the delivery of government goods and services provided by Palawan State University to its stakeholders. The study was conducted at Palawan State University from year 2009 to 2012 with respondents including five top University officials, 200 employees composed of faculty and staff, and four ICT staff of the University. The study the concentrated designed IS/IT strategies on the impact of culture and systems present in PSU. IS/IT planning methodologies used were SWOT, CSFs, and Gap Analyses. Data were gathered through document analysis, survey, observation and interview with the key informants of the study. This paper used the documentation format provided by the National Computer Center (updated 2006) of the Philippines in pursuant to Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 99-01, mandating all national government agencies to submit a three- to five- year IS strategic plan. The study used the framework outlined by Annita Cassidy (2002) and methodology by Ishak and Alias (2002). Analysis of the current state of technology of the University in terms of organization applications, technical infrastructure, hardware and software, processes, information system (IS) and manpower, IS services, ICT project management, and budget has placed the University in the lowest level of maturity in the adoption of ICT in its operation as educational institution. Collaborative, extensive and careful planning and conduct of several e-government plans need to be initiated to support its strategic directions with primordial consideration of budget availability, organizational culture and values, management systems and processes, available staff and skills, and IS/IT infrastructure, and information. vi Information Systems Strategic Plan of Palawan State University.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 computer optical disc ; 4 3/4 in.

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