"The end, or the beginning: A case study" by Leila P. Beray

The end, or the beginning: A case study

Added Title

Perceived problems of high school teachers and their preferences for in-service education program
Proposed faculty development program for Urios College, Butuan City

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Educational Management


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Adviser

Jovencio Obra

Defense Panel Chair

Ciriaco Tismo

Defense Panel Member

Romulo Quintos
Paulina Rosales


The instability of policy regarding teachers salaries generated a good deal of insecurity and dissatisfaction on the part of the faculty. In spite of the successive raises in tuition fees (in two successive years), the administration failed to give the teachers any raise in pay. This created the strong feeling among the faculty that they are victims of injustice from a school administration that does not care about their (teachers) plight as long as the school survives and it led to misunderstandings, conflicts, and yawning communication gap between administration and faculty. A sigh of relief came to the long-suffering teachers of Christian Academy when, perhaps as a result of the workings of the Grievance Committee and/or change of heart on the part of the Administration, Sor Rosalie del Valle finally adjusted the teachers salary and this on a 12-month basis. This satisfied the requirements of the law and the basic longings of the teachers of Christian Academy. The new salary adjustment gave the teachers a new lease on life. But this was not to be for long. At the end of the academic year, the DOM Congregation wrote Fr. Castello a decisive letter saying that they are definitely giving up their educational apostolate and are turning over the administration of Christian Academy to him. Evidently, under the new salary arrangement, they can not make both ends meet. They can not pay the teachers salaries and by the same time keep the school alive. So, they decided to give up their educational responsibility, leaving Fr. Castello to take it up from there. This case shows how conflicts in a school may arise on account of discontent on the part of the faculty for what they consider to be the unforgivable failure on the part of the administration to give them just pay and how decisions made by both sides (faculty and administration alike) are influenced by what each side think to be the just thing to do under the circumstances, each side looking at things from its own vantage point. The case falls primarily under the category of financial management in the area of personnel administration. It touches on the more general problem of promoting good administration-faculty relations through a just and democratic personnel administration. On the latter part of the paper, alternative actions were given in solution to the problem posed in this case.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

3 v. in 1 ; 28 cm.


Teachers--Salaries; etc

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