"Factors affecting health-seeking behavior of working elderly rice farm" by Aimee B. Landayan

Factors affecting health-seeking behavior of working elderly rice farmers

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Health Social Science


College of Liberal Arts


Behavioral Sciences

Thesis Adviser

Cristina A. Rodriguez

Defense Panel Member

Stella P. Go
Jesusa M. Marco


This study aimed to investigate the health problems of working elderly aged 65 years and above in the informal workforce in a rural setting in Bulacan and examine as well the factors that affect their health-seeking behavior. The study utilized qualitative in-depth interviews among rice farmers in rural areas. The study has showed that the common health problems of rice farmers elderly were visual problem, knee pain, heart problem, gastrointestinal problem, low back pain and urinary/kidney problem. The health-seeking behavior of working elderly started in self-care medication followed by seeking traditional care or consulting to health center and the last step would be resorting to the medical services of professional health care provider mostly private care. The factors such as income, gender, perceived severity of illness and social support system could affect health seeking of elderly. The low income of working elderly induced them to practice self-care medication and find cheaper health care services. However, income has been set aside when an elderly perceives his/her health condition as severe already. Perceived severity of illness directed elderly to obtain medical care from professional health care provider. Gender is not a hindrance for working elderly in acquiring health care services most needed. Social support system helped elderly to fully recover from health problem through providing financial assistance and moral support.

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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 computer optical disc ; 4 3/4 in.

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