"Towards the development of the Ateneo de Manila high school mathematic" by Ruth L. Posio

Towards the development of the Ateneo de Manila high school mathematics achievement test (ADMHS-MAT)


Ruth L. Posio

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Educational Measurement and Evaluation

Subject Categories

Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Secondary Education


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Defense Panel Chair

Alex Calata
Asuzano Leticia

Defense Panel Member

Esperanza Buen
Melecio Deauna


This study develops an achievement test in high school mathematics for the Ateneo de Manila High School. Item analysis was conducted to determine the indices of difficulty and discrimination as well as the attractiveness of each option. The procedure followed involved (1) planning the test (2) item preparation and review (3) assembly of pretest forms (4) pretest administration (5) item analysis and (6) assembly of final form. Being an achievement test in high school mathematics, the Ateneo de Manila High School Mathematics Achievement Test (ADMHS-MAT) included content areas in algebra and geometry putting greater weight to algebra since this is offered in first, second and fourth year while geometry is offered only in third year. Items were written based on test specifications following the standards for item writing. Pretesting was done to determine statistical characteristics of every test item. Pretest forms were administered to 501 fourth year high school students from private high schools in Metro Manila. Item analysis was done using the CEM's computer programs. Items which satisfied the criteria set for accepting items composed the final form of the test. Findings of the study are as follows:

1. There were high rates of accepted items both in algebra and geometry. Similar items have almost the same statistical characteristics so that in the assembly of the final form, the items with better characteristics were considered. 2. The items in geometry discriminate highly than the items in algebra. In algebra, the items on polynomial discriminate highly while in geometry, the items on circles discriminate highly. 3. The items in algebra were more difficult than the items in geometry. In algebra, the items on polynomial functions were the most difficult while in geometry, the items on circles were the most difficult. 4. The average discrimination index of the test was .652 and the average difficulty of item was 13.588. The average difficulty level of the whole test was .455. 5. Interitem reliability test using KR#20 showed that among the pretest forms, form BB has the highest reliability coefficient, and form AA has the highest raw score mean and standard deviation. 6. For the final form of the test, the overall range of delta is 10.16 to 15.28 and its overall mean is 13.37 the overall range of the biserial correlation (Rbis) is .33 to 1.0 and its overall mean is .69 the overall range of (p) is .29 to .76 and its overall mean is .464. The conclusions drawn were: 1. The levels of difficulty and discrimination of the ADMHS-MAT were just appropriate for the future users of the test 2. Majority of items satisfied the criteria for test item acceptability and are positively discriminating 3. The ADMHS-MAT can quantify the math instruction that a student received in high school 4. The ADMHS-MAT can determine student's strengths and specific difficulties in high school mathematics and can provide the teachers with information on the adequacy with which essential content and skills are actually being taught 5. The ADMHS-MAT can help in the evaluation and improvement of teaching and the curriculum.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

194 leaves ; 28 cm.


Achievement tests -- Design and construction; Mathematics -- Examinations; questions; etc

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