A proposed organization of a guidance program for St. Joseph's College, Darjeeling, India: With a teachers in-service training program in group counseling

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling

Subject Categories

Counseling | Training and Development


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Imelda Villar

Defense Panel Chair

Leticia Asuzano

Defense Panel Member

Emilia Del Callar
Felicidad Aurora Catli
Imelda Villar


In this thesis, the researcher has set out to propose an organized guidance program for St. Joseph's College, Darjeeling, India. There was a felt need on the part of the administration, for a guidance program for the college. Based on this need, the researcher has proposed this program. In part one of this proposal, he has proposed the setting up and organization of a guidance program and has set down the services that he feels will best meet the present needs of the students. Since no organized program exists in this institution at the moment, he has started from scratch, proposing the following services: individual analysis, testing, counseling, information, placement, follow-up and evaluation. In the second part of the proposal, knowing his limitations and the necessity for the entire administration's involvement in the program, he has set out to propose a group counseling teachers in-service training program. To achieve this, the researcher proposes a group counseling experience for the staff themselves. In this proposal, the researcher has tried to answer the following questions : 1) What conditions in St. Joseph's College would merit the setting up of an organized guidance program? 2) What are the goals and objectives of this proposed program? 3) What guidance services should be offered? 4) What should be the roles of the people involved in the program? 5) What role should group counseling play in this proposed program? and 6) How will the group counseling program be introduced to the teachers and the students? The proposed program is expected to operate for two years on a trial basis. Of the nine hundred students in the college, nearly two hundred are freshmen, and it is to these two hundred students that the program is directed and once the program has proved itself worthwhile, the services will be extended to the entire student body. After the two year trial period, the researcher proposes to conduct a follow-up and evaluation study of the guidance services and then make fur

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

287 leaves, 28 cm. ; Typescript


Educational counseling; Group guidance in education; Teachers--Training of; St. Joseph's College (India)

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