"SSADM system data modeler" by Ma. Sheila A. Magboo

SSADM system data modeler

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Technology

Subject Categories

Software Engineering


College of Computer Studies


Information Technology

Thesis Adviser

Philip Chan

Defense Panel Chair

Glenn Sipin

Defense Panel Member

Lissa K. Magpantay
Lindsley Abadia


This project provides an Application Development Tool or Computer-Assisted Software Engineering (CASE) product that would support top-level data analysis, relational data analysis and production of the Enhanced Required Data Model using the Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM).To produce the SSADM System Data Modeler, it is necessary to review SSADM, review database concepts, determine latest commercial CASE products, determine experience of systems developers on CASE products that they use, produce the software design, implement the design, test the software, and print the necessary documentation and users manual.The study arrived at the following conclusions:In the implementation of the project, a good database design is of paramount importance. This is because the recordsets are so interrelated that if not properly designed would cause anomalies. Knowledge of SQL is likewise important especially in accessing information coming from several recordsets. SQL shortened the routines that would have taken several pages of program code.Much time is needed in the design and implementation of the LDS routines. This is because the LDS module not only manipulates the database but also manifests onscreen. Making an object move the way the user wants requires certain mathematical concepts to ensure that the entities and relationships appear in the correct position.For each attribute it is necessary to determine the table where it is a dependent in order to perform table normalization all in one step.

In the implementation of the routines that updates the database, creation of measures that would detect and correct possible sources of error before an update helped preserve database integrity. For instance, the use of repeating screens that prompts for a new and valid name until the user inputs an appropriate response helped prevent certain anomalies.One must know the most appropriate programming language to use. In this project, Visual Basic was used because it has a strong support for database applications. Its strong link with Microsoft Access made this project easier than expected. Microsoft Access provided the tools necessary not only to create the database structure but also to enforce integrity of relationships between the different recordsets. Also, through Microsoft Access, certain queries were tested and were used in the program.It is important to have a good interface design. In making this tool, a lot of time was spent not only on database design but also in planning and implementing the interfaces. A long time was spent analyzing which controls must be set active at any given time. This helped prevent the user from accessing inappropriate controls that would make the program crash.Given a limited time it would not be feasible to implement automatic cross-checking of LDS and normalized relations. This routine is so extensive since it would entail examining recordsets belonging to both methods all at the same time. Implementing such is not feasible at the moment although not impossible.In just one routine, it is possible to translate the user's Enhanced Required Data Model to actual physical data design possibly in .mdb format for compatibility with ACCESS.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 v. (various foliations) ; 28 cm.


Structured programming; Electronic data processing--structured techniques; Software engineering

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