"Development of a genre-based syllabus for business correspondence for " by Raymunda O. Elloso

Development of a genre-based syllabus for business correspondence for computer students of STI College

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in English Language Education Major in English for Specific Purposes

Subject Categories

Language and Literacy Education


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


English and Applied Linguistics


Students often find writing business correspondence difficult because they are not aware of the specific information contained in such pieces of writing and the manner in which this information is organized.This study proposes a descriptive framework for the structures of different types of business letters, the letters of adjustment, application, collection, complaint, inquiry, introduction, request and sales, and memoranda, the direct and indirect memos, using genre analysis, in order to devise a syllabus for a course in Business English (Eng 31) for computer students of STI College. Presenting the results, the study reveals that different types of business correspondence have their own patterns of organization. The researcher hopes that a knowledge of these patterns can facilitate teaching business writing.The study also proves that genre analysis can be used as a basis for developing a syllabus for business writing. The syllabus that was devised contained the objectives, requirements of the course, the grading system, the grammatical features to be taught, and the activities suggested to be done in the classroom.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

112 numb. leaves


Letter-writing; English language--Outlines; syllabi; etc; Language and languages--Grammars

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