"A proposed guidance program for Union Elementary School" by Mercedes Maack

A proposed guidance program for Union Elementary School

Added Title

Group case study of five ninth grade underachievers

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling

Subject Categories



Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Imelda Villar

Defense Panel Chair

Justin Lucian, FSC

Defense Panel Member

Imelda Villar
Edward Baldwin, FSC
Carmel Espero


v. 1. This study proposes a guidance program that would serve as the initial starting point for organized guidance services in the Union Elementary School which, at time of the study, has no formal guidance program. The services to be established were intended for the students of grades five, six, and seven of the Union Elementary School. To determine the actual needs and difficulties of the students, surveys were conducted not only among these students, but also their parents and teachers. An adaptation of the Mooney Problem Check List was used to assess the needs and difficulties of the students. This was supplemented by a questionnaire constructed in order to assess the extent to which the students' needs were being met, the guidance activities that were being carried out in the school, and the students' desire for more specialized guidance services. Another questionnaire was constructed to survey the parent's viewpoint and attitude towards an organized guidance program and attitude related to their children's welfare and development. A questionnaire to survey the teachers' attitude towards an organized guidance program and its related services and activities, opinion on related subjects, and the extent to which the teachers were actually performing guidance functions was also constructed. The administrator was interviewed in order to obtain information about the existing school set-up as well as other background information. The responses gathered from all the questionnaires were tallied, categorized, and converted into percentage ranking in order to determine the dominant responses and trends. The students of the Union Elementary School were found to have the following problems : moral-religious, health and physical development, personal psychological adjustment, poor study habits and academic performance, home and family relationships, financial, and disciplinary. It was inferred and concluded that a developmental type of guidance program which emphasized the prevention of serious maladjustments, and the

v. 2. This study aims to determine whether or not a semi-structured and flexible type of group counseling program could have a positive effect on a small group of five (5) ninth grade underachievers from an exclusive international school. The five (5) subjects in this study were given group counseling twice a week for three weeks wherein behavioral techniques such as written behavior contract, verbal and nonverbal reinforcement, successive examination, and others were used. Other techniques such as those used by RET therapists, role playing, and tape listening were also employed. The main tool of the program was group discussion of various topics related to underachievement. These topics were determined by the subjects and counselor jointly and were structured by the counselor prior to the group sessions. After the group counseling program had been terminated, a comparison of the subjects' mean grade point average before and after the program was made by using the Sandler-A test of significance of difference. The result of the test indicated that there was a significant positive difference between the subjects' mean grade point average before and after the group counseling program. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that the semi-structured behaviorally-based group counseling program employed on the five ninth grade students had an effect on the mean grade point average of these students. The counseling program had an effect on the students' motivation to achieve as shown by the improvement in their grades and their responses during the last few sessions of the counseling program wherein they indicated they wanted to study and make good in their examinations.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

2 v. in 1, 28 cm. ; Typescript


Educational counseling; Group guidance in education

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