JS Contractor, Inc.

Date of Publication


Document Type

Oral Comprehensive Exam

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Business Administration, Management, and Operations


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Decision Sciences and Innovation


The overseas recruitment industry is one of the income earners of our country. It has been operating since the q920s and is still growing in terms of the number of Filipino working overseas. One of the main sustainability factors of the countrys economic growth can be attributed to the large amount of remittances that these overseas Filipino workers send home.

In response to the lack of economic and financial stability that the country has most or our fellowmen has opted to work abroad where the window of opportunity is waiting. Most of them would want the opportunity to work in their motherland but due to circumstances it has become a necessity for them tp work overseas despite the risk of losing their love ones and families.

Private agencies have evolved in due time to engaged in the sending of workers overseas. These agencies have been categorized based on their level of deployment and the kind of company structure that it has. There are a number of competent companies in the industry that offer invaluable services to these applicants and one of these companies is the JS Contractor, Inc.

As a professional human resource company, JS Contractor, Inc. sources, screens, select, processes, and deploy in any part of the globe and within a most reasonable schedule competent Filipino as required by clients and their projects.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

46 leaves ; 28 cm.

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