"A proposed guidance program for Cebu Roosevelt Memorial College, Bogo," by Perla Christina Lepiten

A proposed guidance program for Cebu Roosevelt Memorial College, Bogo, Cebu

Added Title

Problems of freshman college students of Cebu Roosevelt Memorial College, Bogo, Cebu
Case of Penelope Pennily

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling

Subject Categories



Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Josefina Santamaria

Defense Panel Chair

Justin Lucian, FSC

Defense Panel Member

Josefina Santamaria
Imelda Villar
Felicidad Catli


v. 1. The writer has embarked on a study for the proposal of effective organized guidance program for the C.R.M.C, spurred by desire to activate each student to fully utilize his energy and resources towards effective learning and development into a useful and well-integrated person in the community and citizen of the country. In the process of investigation, inquiries listed hereunder serve as a basis for the study. From the various materials read and studied during the period of investigation springs a belief that an organized guidance program is the answer to the urgent needs of students. Likewise, it is believed that the students of C.R.M.C. need guidance services, which provide them assistance in facing the complexity and problems of life. The researchers survey of related studies coupled by her personal observation paves the way to a realization of the existence of a need for an organized guidance program at C.R.M.C. To meet the imperative needs of individual students at C.R.M.C., this guidance program proposes the following services : (1) services to students in groups (group guidance and group counseling) (2) services to students as individuals (individual inventory, information, counseling and placement) (3) services to the instructional staff (4) services to the administration (5) services to parents and community and (6) research services (follow-up, evaluation, community survey and other studies). Like colleges and universities located in urban areas a provincial college bent to open a well-organized guidance program cannot elude from the performance of a complex function that includes thoughtful arrangements of many sorts, selection and direction of essential personnel, marshalling of materials and coordination of energies. The guidance function, being pervasive and continuous and performed through the media of so many activities and processes which involve a number of workers of varying degrees of specialized training, requires careful planning of all elements if it is to shun chaos an

v. 2. This study seeks to determine the multifarious problems affecting the freshman college students of Cebu Roosevelt Memorial College. Comprising males and females, the population of the study totaled to 223, approximately the total number of freshmen college students of the Cebu Roosevelt Memorial College in the school year 1972-1973. These students are enrolled in the College of Commerce, College of Education, and College of Arts and Sciences. The population comprises students who are achievers, under-achievers, and over-achievers and are in their late adolescence ranging from 16 to 21 years old. The subjects of the study are mostly those that belong to the lower class and middle class families that live in the adjoining towns and barrios of Bogo, Cebu and a considerable percentage, hail from the adjacent provinces of Leyte and Masbate. The study attempts to answer the following specific questions : 1. What general problem areas are great sources of problems? What are the least sources of problems? 2. What are the high-ranking minor and major problems of students? 3. What problems are prominent in each general problem area which belong to minor and major problem categories? 4. Do these problems differ according to sex? 5. How are these problems analyzed and interpreted? What are their possible causes? The Mooney Problem Checklist, a scientifically reliable means of discovering in the hidden recesses of the adolescents mind, what he regards as problems and needs, was the main instrument used in this study, and utilized was the 1950 edition. Form C (the MPCL form used in the study) for college students comprises 11 problem areas with a total of 330 specific items. Each problem area, categorized by the nature of the problem, consists of 30 items. The following are the general problem areas of the MPCL, form C : 1. Health and Physical Development (HPD), 2. Finance, Living Conditions, and Employment (FLE), 3. Social and Recreational Activities (SRA), 4. Social-Psychological Relations (SPR), 5. Personal-Psycholo

v. 3. Interest in the study of personality has motivated the counselor-trainee to embark upon a case study, which revolves around the life of Penelope Pennily. This case study answers the following questions : What is Penelope Pennily? What problems blocked her happiness and growth? What were the causes of her problems? What counseling techniques were employed to help her solve her problems? How may she be further helped? This case study concretizes mans need for help. Penelope Pennily, an adolescent girl of 17 sought the help of the counselor-trainee at a period when life adjustment problems proved difficult. In a life far from the warm and protective hands of her parents, she met and confided the following problems : worry over her boyfriends physical disability, sadness caused by her boy-friends absence, fear of her cyst operation, shattering fear of death as instigated by the spirit of the glass prediction, her Manongs (her landlady's brother) indifference, and precarious financial circumstances. Biographical writing, interviews, and observations were utilized to facilitate an understanding of Penelope. These show Penelopes insecurity, want for love and affection, inadequacy, and unhappiness. To objectively assess Penelopes personality, intelligence, and interests, psychological tests were administered. These were : 1. Rhode Sentence Test 2. Sacks Sentence Completion Test 3. Mooney Problem Checklist 4. Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey 5. Thurstone Interest Schedule 6. Brainards Occupational Preference Inventory 7. Purdue Non-Language Test and 8.Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. These, too, were facilitative in the achievement of understanding of Penelope and her problems. These reveal that Penelope can generally be described as emotionally-unstable, insecure, subjective, and anxious. She seems to be of average intelligence in culture-fair tests and below average in verbal tests. Revealed is her high interest in commerce and business and professional fields particularly social work. The counselor-traine

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

3 v. in 1, 28 cm. ; Typescript


Educational counseling; Students--Psychology; Educational counseling--Case studies

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