"Stressors, stress level and job satisfaction among middle aged female " by Endang Sundari

Stressors, stress level and job satisfaction among middle aged female faculty of De La Salle University, Manila

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education major in Guidance and Counseling

Subject Categories

Counseling Psychology | Educational Psychology


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Dr. Alexa P. Abrenica

Defense Panel Chair

Dr. Naomi Ruiz

Defense Panel Member

Ma. Belen L. Vergara
Dr. Imelda V.G. Villar


This study determines common stressors, stress level and job satisfaction experienced by the middle aged female faculty, and the relationship between stressors, level of stress and level of job satisfaction among the middle aged female faculty of De La Salle University. To attain the above objectives, the present study used descriptive method of research. Three instruments were used in this study. They were three instruments used in this study: the Teacher Occupational Stress Factor Questionnaire (TOSFQ) to assess the stress level, the Stress Audit Questionnaire (TSAQ) to determine the stress level from the extra-organizational stressors, the Job Satisfaction Inventory to measure the level of job satisfaction. The respondents consisted of 50 middle aged female faculty of De La Salle University (full time faculty). They were within the age range of 35-55 years with service range from less than five years. Data analysis included frequency distribution to determine the common stressors and the stress level experienced by respondents. To determine the significant relationship between stressors and job satisfaction, the coefficient correlation was used. The study revealed that financial security was the stressor with the highest mean score and the most common encountered by the respondents. Out of the total number of (50) fifty respondents, (30) thirty reported neither satisfaction nor dissatisfaction in their jobs. Fourteen (14) respondents were found to be somewhat feeling satisfied. Four (4) reported being very satisfied while two (2) were found to be very dissatisfied.

Based on the findings, the following recommendations are made by the researcher. Since financial security is the number one source of stress among the middle-aged female faculty, the administration must conduct a survey about the living condition of faculty members and their concerns like expenses for their primary needs (house, food clothes). The administration should also consider the recommendation to increase salary of the faculty because the prices of primary needs are increasing almost two up to three times in year. It is also suggested that outing programs be made available for the faculty to bring their families together at least every term-break. This is one way also for the faculty to be closer to other faculty members from other departments because usually during working days they are not able to talk or share their ideas. A study on job satisfaction for all the faculty members should be conducted to get a total picture of the satisfaction level of the faculty at DLSU and if possible also for De La Salle.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

102 leaves


Stress (Psychology); Job satisfaction; Middle aged women; Job stress

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