"Organizing the guidance program in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy" by Mary Helenita Macalisang

Organizing the guidance program in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy

Added Title

In-service education program for teacher-counselors

Case of Minda

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling

Subject Categories

Counseling | Educational Psychology


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Melisse V. Del Rosario

Defense Panel Chair

Justin Lucian, FSC

Defense Panel Member

Melisse V. Del Rosario
Exaltacion C. Ramos


v. 1. This study proposes a more organized guidance program for Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy, in order to coordinate more effectively the existing guidance services already performed. This study was intended for a small Catholic secondary school in Linamon, Lanao del Norte. It was based mostly upon general impressions and direct observations. The population and number of drop-outs were taken from school records. Some books and magazines as well as unpublished project papers were also utilized as secondary source materials for this study. The different proposed services for the program were : information service, counseling service, individual inventory service, testing service, follow-up service, and placement service. Also, in order to insure constant improvement in the program, the counselor must keep abreast with the developments in the following fields : developmental and educational psychology, counseling theory and procedures, educational and psychological appraisal, group theory and procedures, the psychology and sociology of work and vocational development, research, and legal and professional ethics of counseling education. It was recommended that the program be well articulated and properly organized. Seminars, in-service training and workshops should be availed by the teachers in order to make them guidance-oriented. It was also suggested that more study be conducted to choose the tests suited for the students of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy. The services of a psychologist, psychiatrist, psychometrician, and social worker were likewise recommended to be considered. The school administration must also encourage teachers who may have the aptitude to become effective counselors by recommending training in the field.

v. 2. The implementation of the proposed guidance program in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy is the main concern of this study. This study focused on one secondary school with a population of about 350 students and 13 teachers. The study centered on three definite aspects of guidance, namely : the philosophy and principles underlying the guidance services, counseling theory and practice, and the techniques of behavior modification. A survey questionnaire was constructed for the teaching staff and the students in order that the implementation of the program be suitable to the needs of the students. Relevant materials to be included in the program were also collected. Hand-outs used during the counselor training course were gathered and incorporated as sources of discussion and activities. It was concluded that the scope of this study was adequately covered according to the set objectives. With the teachers' support and cooperation, it was assumed that the guidance program would be properly implemented and would function through the teacher-counselors effectively.

This case study involves an adult counselee named Minda, who came to Manila on study leave for one year. She taught in a private school in Mindanao for about ten years prior to her coming to Manila. Minda specialized in languages, with a major field in Pilipino and minor interest in Spanish. With this academic background, she hardly, had the chance to speak English to her students in school. Presently enrolled in one of the big universities in Manila, she finds herself in the company of younger classmates. Minda's new surroundings and her new company demand readjustment on her part. She needed encouragement to get used to student life again. Minda already forgot the rigors of student life, and was not prepared for the hours of concentrated study. Thus, she was plagued with the feelings of inadequacy and felt greatly inhibited to express herself in the English language. She even shunned participation in class activities. In addition to the pressures of the new situation she experienced, other factors contributed to Mindas social maladjustment. One of these was a certain professor, who, in her opinion was demanding too much from her. Another factor, which contributed to her maladjustment was the responsibility she felt for her brother whose conduct had been a source of anxiety. These concerns made the counselee unable to perform well in school and relate meaningfully with her significant others. Initially, intelligence, aptitude, personality and interest tests were administered. These were Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Purdue Non-Language, SRA-Verbal Test, Graves Judgment Test, Minnesota Paper Form Board, Differential Aptitude Test, Brainard Occupational Inventory, Thurstone Interest Schedule, California Test of Personality Problem Check List and 16 Personality Factor Profile. Then, after a series of counseling sessions and data gathering procedures, a goal was drawn up between the counselee and the counselor. This goal was to increase and improve her social interaction gradually. To achieve this goal, the SP

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

3 v. in 1, 28 cm. ; Typescript


Educational counseling; Counseling

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