Added Title

Environmental contingency exercises
Case of Marita Luna

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling

Subject Categories



Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Exaltacion C. Ramos

Defense Panel Chair

Justin Lucian, FSC

Defense Panel Member

Exaltacion C.Ramos
Melisse V. Del Rosario


First work: This study aims to determine the adequacy of existing informal guidance service at the PWU JMD and to propose improvements upon the present program that would meet the needs of the school. A survey was conducted among seven teachers on the summer school staff. Data were also culled from impressions, observations, interviews, and analysis of school and student records. Available library materials and lectures were used in describing the basic elements of a guidance program against which guidance services at PWU JMD were compared. The evaluative comparison determined which of the services needed strengthening and improvement. On the basis of the outcomes of the comparison, a coordinated program was proposed. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that the existing guidance services informally undertaken at the PWU JMD were inadequate to meet student needs. There was a necessity for organizing these services and strengthening some aspects of it if these services were to be effective. It was recommended that an actual survey of student needs be made. It was also suggested that an actual evaluation of the effectiveness of existing guidance services be undertaken and parents' attitude toward a guidance program be surveyed. Implementation of the program and continuing evaluation were also recommended.

Second work: This study presents and discusses environmental contingency exercises which are original graduate course materials that can be used in the evaluation of school counselor effectiveness. This study also aims to prove to some extent that these exercises are effective learning tools. Attempts at evaluating Environmental Contingency Exercises were based on arbitrarily chosen criteria, namely : class feedback and the writer's judgement of how ENCON has helped the MS students in acquiring further knowledge, in concretizing concepts and ideas gained, and in improving one's skills and competencies. On the basis of the encouraging positive reactions to ENCON by those who have used the exercises, it could be said that ENCON can be an effective learning tool. The very attributes of ENCON have facilitated learning of the concepts, skills and competencies that it purported to convey. ENCON showed great promise in enriching counselor education in the Philippines. Extensive use of ENCON was recommended to gain stronger evidences of its effectiveness as a learning tool. It was also recommended that exercises be set up to include other aspects of guidance work which have not been covered by the present work. The use of ENCON as a pre-practicum course was also recommended.

Third work: The case study revolves around an 18 year old freshman college student who voluntarily sought help with her difficulties which include academics, interpersonal relations with peers, family members, and with boys, and social adjustment as a whole. Since the counselee considered her relationship with a girl and her poor performance in math as the most upsetting, counseling was focused primarily on these two problem areas. Because it was the counselors responsibility to determine the treatment format, such as techniques or strategies to use, the counselor used the SPAM treatment techniques employing a modified version of Blackhams extinction and positive reinforcement stratagem for the first problem. The counselor recognized the counselees decision that the only way perhaps by which she could be helped, would be to stop seeing the girl. Since this could not be done abruptly, a scheme by which the counselee would gradually decrease the frequency of their being together was arrived at. To facilitate the implementation of this plan, role shift on the part of the counselee was incorporated into the treatment plan. The treatment duration was three weeks during which verbal reinforcements from the counselor were given intermittently. A chart where the counselee could see her progress by the number of checks appearing therein was provided. A check mark would signify performance of the task for each day. This comprised the reward system for this behavior modification plan. Attainment of the goal, however, for which the counselee has committed herself to was by far the greater moving factor in this behavior modification scheme. On the other hand, behavior contract was the stratagem used on the second problem, which was for improving the counselees independent study behavior, attending behavior in class, an interclass participation with the aim of improving her academic rating in business math. The reinforcement for the counselee was to pass the Business Math, since the continuance of her studies relies on this. The c

Abstract Format



With: Environmental contingency exercises -- Case of Marita Luna





Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

3 volumes in 1, 28 cm. ; Typescript


Educational counseling; Educational counseling—Case studies; Student counselors—Rating of

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