"A proposed five-year development plan for Immaculate Heart of Mary Aca" by Milagros N. Gomez

A proposed five-year development plan for Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy, Mati, Davao Oriental, High School Department SY 1986-1991

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Educational Management

Subject Categories

Educational Administration and Supervision | Secondary Education


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Adviser

Roberto T. Borromeo

Defense Panel Chair

Flordeliza C. Reyes,

Defense Panel Member

Carolina C. Porio,
Estrellita V. Gruenberg


The study proposes a five year development plan for the High School Department of Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy (IHMA), Mati, Davao Oriental, SY 1986-1991. A descriptive method of research was used which included the description, recording, analysis, and interpretation of existing conditions through the survey method. In the light of the findings, the development plan was prepared and the strategies for implementation and evaluation were evolved. Data were gathered from the school community which included the administrators, faculty, students and parents of the department for the school year 1985-86. The following research instruments and processes were used to gather the data on institutional operations for the last 5 years: 1. socio-economic survey of the IHMA high school students 2. mission statement survey questionnaire 3. checklist on educational goals 4. faculty development needs inventory 5. PAASCU self-survey forms for high school 6. cohort analysis and Enrolment Projection 7. Financial Analysis and Projection and 8. Planning. The Mati municipality Planning Office provided the data on the socio-economic profile of Mati. The statistical treatment utilized frequencies and percentages for the socio-economic profile of the students. Mean ratings were computed for the survey on mission statement and the checklist on educational goals. To assess the current departmental performance, the PAASCU self-survey forms were used and the mean ratings were computed for each area of concern. The enrolment projection was based on the historical trend using trends in the promotion, repetition and drop-out rates.

The financial profile and the projected enrolment became the basis for the financial projection for SY 1986-91 with due consideration of a 15 percent tuition increase per year and a minimum 5 percent inflation. The environmental analysis showed that IHMA can establish linkages with the community resources to enhance its curricular and co-curricular programs and to support its projects and activities. The over-all rating of 3.33 which belongs to the Good category was an indication that IHMA continuously strives to offer good educational services to its clientele. The financial operation of the department has to be sustained by funds from other sources besides the tuition and other fees paid by the students. A knowledge of financial planning on the part of the administration is essential for efficient financial management and control. The findings of the study also showed that long-range planning is imperative for IHMA in defining its direction so that it can attain its mission. Through the planning process, programs and projects can be designed to better implement the mission statement and meet the goal expectations of the school community. The long-range plan of IHMA can be attained only through the cooperative effort and dedicated involvement or every member of the school community.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

307 leaves ; 28 cm.


Educational planning; School improvement programs; School management and organization

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