"The design of corporate strategies for Construction Ventures Unlimited" by Miguel H. Lagman

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Advertising and Promotion Management | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Business and Corporate Communications | Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics | Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Decision Sciences and Innovation

Thesis Adviser

Antonio Concepcion

Defense Panel Chair

Osman Luis Ranit

Defense Panel Member

Jorge Camposanos
Jose Daniel Valderrama


Designing corporate strategies is no easy task. It requires an understanding of the decision-making process, organizational assessment and environmental scanning. By walking through these processes, a business entrepreneur can arrive at a well-designed set of corporate strategies that spell success in its present and future operation. Construction Ventures Unlimited, the subject company in this study, was chosen precisely because it represents a typical growing small-scale organization. It undergoes the birth pains of carelessness and indecision as well as the benefits of growth in experience and maturity. In this study, CVU has been found to be relatively strong in organization, financial resources and reputation as a general contractor and electrical engineering services provider but it is weak in cost accounting and project design studies. It also enjoys good business environment in all its aspects but is only threatened by uncertainties due to calamities, natural and man-made, and high operating costs which are still in the uptrend. In response to this predicament, this study suggests a package of business plan and market strategies that are designed to reverse difficulties and carry CVU forward based on its capabilities and the opportunities which lie ahead. The prognosis is good for CVU. Carrying them out is what remains.

The study is full of facts and figures that support its findings. The next six (6) years promise steady growth for CVU if it will only follow its business plan and market strategies.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

100 leaves


Corporate planning; Construction industry

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