Development of an instrument to measure the practice of values of the SVD Friends in Metro Manila, Philippines

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education major in Guidance and Counseling

Subject Categories

Experimental Analysis of Behavior | Personality and Social Contexts | Social Psychology


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Salud Evangelista

Defense Panel Chair

Naomi Ruiz

Defense Panel Member

Gundelina Velazco
Flordeliza Reyes


Statement of the Problem: This was an attempt towards the development and validation of an instrument which will assess the SVD values held by the SVD's friends in Metro Manila, Philippines. The study aimed to answer following questions 1. What derivative SVD values are explicity and implicity contained in the spirituality, vision, and mission of the SVD friends? 2. What are the behavioral indicators of these articulated SVD values based on the perceptions of the SVD Friends? 3. What are the reliability and validity indices of the instrument? Research Design: This is a descriptive-developmental study. It made use of a questionnaire to search for the content domain and statistical analyses to validate the completed instrument. The research consisted of 4 phases namely: Phase I: Developing the content domain, Phase II: Field testing, Phase III: Validity and reliability study, Phase IV: Finalization of the instrument and construction of norms. Subjects: Random as well as incidental samples of 200 SVD Friends in Metro Manila representing educators, workers, parishioners, XVD and seminarians participated in the study. Instrument: Five questionnaires were developed and used by the researcher in the study. The first was a preliminary list of 153 words associated with the SVD values which obtained through open-ended questionnaires. The second questionnaire consisted of a preliminary list of core values and their constructs based on the opinion of experts. The third questionnaire consisted of 205 behavioral-indicator items under six SVD core values. The fourth questionnaire was an inventory of the SVD values consisting of 200 items.

The fifth questionnaire was the final form of the instrument comprised of 102 items under 5 SVD core values. Procedures: In the first phase, the search for content domain, the researcher, with the help of 5 experts and 5 friends identified the SVD values contained in the spirituality, vision, and mission of the SVD Friends in the Philippines. The identified values were listed in the form of a checklist. The checklist was then given to a group of 3 experts for content validation. A new subscale was constructed based on the opinion and suggestions of the experts. This was given to 10 other SVD experts and 15 SVD Friends who were asked to formulate behavioral indicators as a basis for item writing. The obtained results were given to 6 SVD experts for further suggestions, improvement, and judgment. The second phase was the field testing of the draft of the instrument. Ten SVD seminarians and 200 members of the SVD Friends in Metro Manila, representing teachers, workers, parishioners, XVD's, and seminarians participated in the pilot-testing of the instrument. In Phase III, the results gathered from the field-testing were subjected to factor analysis and item analysis. Lastly, in Phase IV, norms in the form of percentile ranks and stanines were constructed. Treatment of Data: To determine which values were commonly held and practiced by the SVD Friends, the data gathered from the exploratory state were presented using frequency counts. Factor analysis and item analysis were done to determine the reliability and the factor validity of the inventory. Findings: Factor and item analyses resulted to 102 items which clustered under 5 major factors. The five factors are: Factor 1 (Commitment to the SVD Friends' vision, r = .9656922) Factor 2 (Commitment to service, r = .9210881) Factor 3 (Misson Orientation, r = .8090495) Factor 4 (Spirituality, r = .6341201) and Factor 5 (Dialogue, r = .7527650).

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

175 leaves; 28 cm.


Values; Psychometrics; Religious organizations; Laity -- Catholic Church; Lay ministry; Society of the Divine Word (SVD)

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