"Factors associated with the academic performance of the third year stu" by Kathy Aquino Josue

Factors associated with the academic performance of the third year students of Quezon City Science High School in learning the Secondary Education Development Program (SEDP) Mathematics III course

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Teaching Major in Mathematics

Subject Categories

Algebra | Analysis | Geometry and Topology | Harmonic Analysis and Representation


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Science Education

Thesis Adviser

Bee Ching Ong

Defense Panel Chair

Fe De La Rosa

Defense Panel Member

Severino Diesto
Anita Ong


This study determines the degree of correlation between the factors: attitude, mental ability, classroom environments, class attendance, socio-economic status, educational attainment of parents, time alloted in studying SEDP Mathematics III, final grade in SEDP Mathematics II, final grade in Geometry, sex, and study habits, with the academic performance of students in SEDP Mathematics III .The co-relational and descriptive methods were used in this study. The respondents of the study consisted of 192 junior students of Quezon City Science High School, school year 1991-1992. There were 96 males and 96 females. From the investigation made, the following findings were drawn: 1. Among the predictor variables, Geometry grade, SEDP Mathematics II grade, attitude towards Mathematics and attendance were significant predictors of the academic performance in SEDP Mathematics III. 2. Geometry grade and PreGrade correlated significantly with each other, next was involvement and task orientation and educational attainment of mother with educational attainment of father. 3. The relative contribution of each factor to the academic performance in SEDP Mathematics III were: Geometry grade (35 percent), attendance (25 percent), PreGrade - SEDP Mathematics II grade (24 percent), attitude towards Mathematics (21 percent), intelligence quotient (11 percent), teacher support (11 percent), educational attainment of the father (7 percent), order and organization (3 percent), socio-economic status (-13 percent), affiliation (-12 percent), involvement (-10 percent), sex (-9 percent), educational attainment of the mother (-9 percent), task orientation (-4 percent) study habits (-3 percent), rule clarity (-3 percent), time alloted in studying SEDP Mathematics III (-.4 percent).

4. The best sole predictor of the academic performance in SEDP Mathematics III was the Geometry grade since SEDP Mathematics III is a combination of Algebra, Geometry and Statistics. 5. The best regression equation for predicting the academic performance in SEDP Mathematics III was:Y = 28.05 + .31X2 + .18X13 + .17X1 + .03X4 - .52X14 - .17X6 - .05X17where:X1 = PreGrade (SEDP Mathematics II grade)X2 = Geometry GradeX4 = Attitude towards MathematicsX6 = AffiliationX13 = AttendanceX14 = Sex X17 = Socio-economic status. From the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Geometry grade, SEDP Mathematics II grade, attitude towards Mathematics and attendance were significant predictors of the academic performance in SEDP Mathematics III. 2. Geometry grade and SEDP Mathematics II grade correlated highly with each other. Involvement correlated fairly high with task orientation, and so did the educational attainment of the father with the educational attainment of mother. This indicated that couples usually have the same educational qualifications. 3. Academic performance in Mathematics can best be predicted from previous grades in Mathematics.

Abstract Format




Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

102 leaves; 28 cm.


Academic performance; High school students; Learning ability; Mathematics -- Study and teaching; Educational program

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