"Evaluation and redefinition of the objectives of the high school guid" by Selina Ma. Angela D. Perfecto

Evaluation and redefinition of the objectives of the high school guidance program of Colegio San Agustin based on students' needs assessment

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Flordeliza Reyes

Defense Panel Chair

Salud Evangelista

Defense Panel Member

Imelda Villar
Alexa Abrenica


This study was aimed at making a formal survey of students' needs as a basis in evaluating and redefining the objectives of the high school guidance program of Colegio San Agustin. Specifically, the study sought: 1. To analyze the guidance and counseling needs of the students according to sex and year level. 2. To prioritize the needs of the students according to year level. 3. To assess the existing guidance program objectives of the respondent school based on the results of the needs assessment survey, and 4. To redefine the school's guidance program objectives based on the findings of the needs assessment survey. The descriptive-analytical method of research was utilized in this study. Three hundred eleven (311) students were randomly selected from the total population of first to third year high school students of Colegio San Agustin, Makati of schoolyear 1988-1989. The instrument used was the Student Needs Assessment Survey Form which was adapted from the Needs Assessment Instrument developed jointly by guidance specialists at the South Dakota University. It consisted of sixteen need categories: 1. understanding and accepting self 2. developing responsibility for self 3. understanding others 4.b understood by others 5. relating to others 6. clarifying values 7. assessing self 8. making decisions 9. understanding sexual identity 10. understanding the guidance program 11. coping with the school environment 12. making post high school plans 13. planning ways to study better 14. developing career awareness 15. exploring careers 16. planning careers. The data gathered from the questionnaire were tabulated and presented in terms of frequencies, percentages, ranks and weighted means so as to be able to identify the students' prioritized needs. On the basis of the identified strong needs, the existing guidance program objectives were evaluated and subsequently redefined. In doing this, the researcher also took into consideration the feedback from the teachers and the class advisers.

These were integrated in the reformulated guidance program objectives. To ensure that the redefined objectives are consistent and congruent with the needs of the students, the researcher consulted five experts in the field of guidance and counseling. Following are the significant findings of the study: 1. Three needs were strongly felt by the students across year levels. These were the needs for career orientation and exploration, for making decisions, and for understanding and accepting oneself. They had moderate needs for planning careers, developing responsible behavior, understanding sexual identity, planning ways to study better, assessing oneself, being understood by others, coping with the school environment and understanding others. None of the need areas presented in the questionnaire was perceived as weak need areas by the students of the different year levels. In the area of career needs, the majority of the students across year levels expressed a strong need for developing career awareness/exploring careers. In the area of self needs, making decisions, developing one's self-confidence and adaptability to environmental changes were the predominant needs of the students across year levels. In the area of social needs, the students expressed their need to build harmonious relationship with members of the same and opposite sex.In the area of school needs, the students across year levels were in need of getting information on ways to study more effectively. 2. Although the priority needs of the students in the different year levels did not differ much, the first year students expressed a slightly stronger need for self-awareness and self-acceptance, planning ways to study better, coping with the school environment, and openness.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

123 p., 28 cm.


High school students -- Psychology; Educational counseling; Counseling in secondary education

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