"The development of a programmed learning package for self-improvement " by Silvina E. Tejares

The development of a programmed learning package for self-improvement for high school students

Date of Publication


Degree Name

Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling

Subject Categories



Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Alexa Abrenica

Defense Panel Chair

Rose Marie C. Salazar

Defense Panel Member

Salud Evangelista
Emilia Del Callar


This study was conducted to develop a programmed learning package for self-improvement for high school students in the province of Antique. It wanted to find out through a survey checklist responded to by 100 students what specific topics would be included in the material. The developed materials were evaluated as to their readability, relevance and usefulness, through the use of an evaluation instrument responded to by 90 students. Based on the expressed needs of the students, topics discussed in the booklets included Developing Good Study Habits, Decision-Making and Developing Self-Confidence. These topics were developed using ideas from books, magazines, and other sources complemented with data from interviews with prominent Antiquenos regarding their experiences on the mentioned topics. A programmed learning text was used in the presentation of ideas. Exercises were provided for learners to work on. Salient points were illustrated. Developed booklets were evaluated and found to be readable by 97 percent of the respondents and relevant and useful by 100 percent of the respondents. This research was based on the user-oriented communication theory which maintains that for a program to be successful and effective, it must have the needs of the users as the basis.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

78 leaves; 28 cm.


Programmed instruction

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