"Aptitude, attitude, and mathematics achievement as predictors of physi" by Ma. Dolores T. Tabanera

Aptitude, attitude, and mathematics achievement as predictors of physics achievement

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Teaching Major in Physics

Subject Categories

Education | Physics


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Science Education

Thesis Adviser

Melecio Deauna

Defense Panel Chair

Rosemarie Salazar

Defense Panel Member

Bee Ching Ong
Luke Moortgat


One hundred seventy technical and 130 technician second year day students at the Technological University of the Philippines were involved in a study aimed to predict the final grades in Physics 201/111 from five independent variables namely: attitude towards physics, attitude towards mathematics, final grade in Mathematics 101/111, final grade in Mathematics 102/112, and the average composite score in the TUP entrance examination. The attitude inventory scales for physics and mathematics which were earlier compiled and field tested were administered to all the day physics classes of both the technical and the technician programs. The Physics 201/111, Mathematics 101/111, and Mathematics 102/112 grades which were obtained from the grade sheed files were tabulated by class together with the TUP entrance examination scores obtained from the Office of Admissions and attitude scores. The sample was drawn using the scientific stratified random sampling technique. The raw data of the sample were fed into a computer programmed to make a stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that for both groups, all of the five predictor variables correlated significantly with the criterion (p 0.01). The highest Pearson ryx correlation (r yx4 28.06 percent of the variance of the final grade in Physics 111 for the technician group. The seemingly low accounted variance may be due to the overlap in the separate variance contributions of the predictor variables as indicated by their intercorrelations. At the 0.01 level, the best single predictor of the final grade in Physics 201 for the technical group is the final grade in Mathematics 102 (x4). However, the entrance examination score (x5) and the final grade in Mathematics 101 (x3) may be added to improve prediction. For the technician group, the best single predictor of the Physics 111 grade is the final grade in Mathematics 111 (x3). With this, the final grade in Mathematics 112 (x4) may be combined to improve prediction. Although the attitude factors correlated

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

91 leaves; 28 cm.


Academic achievement; Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Higher); Physics -- Study and teaching (Higher); Prediction of scholastic success

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