"An evaluation of the guidance programs of the three selected Dominican" by Visitacion Galindez Nuñez

An evaluation of the guidance programs of the three selected Dominican schools of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Educational Management

Subject Categories

Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Adviser

Flordeliza C. Reyes

Defense Panel Chair

Roberto T. Borromeo

Defense Panel Member

Estrellita V. Gruenberg
Salud P. Evangelista


This study evaluates the effectiveness of the guidance programs of the following Dominican schools: St. Joseph's Academy, Holy Rosary Academy, and Our Lady of Fatima in Panay as a basis for proposing program modification and improvement. The descriptive evaluative method of research was used in this study. The status of the guidance program of the respondent schools with regard to objectives, organizational structure, staff functions, human and material resource allocation and services were described through a survey. Information regarding the extent to which the guidance programs met the needs, expectations and desires of the people affected by and involved in the programs were also gathered. The respondents of the study were 338 high school students of the three respondent schools enrolled during the school year 1986-1987. The other respondents were 3 administrators, 42 teachers and 3 guidance counselors from the aforementioned schools. The data-gathering instruments used in this study were the PAASCU Student Services Survey Questionnaire (Part I), which specifically deals with guidance program analysis and evaluation, and the Questionnaire for the School Administrators, Guidance Personnel and Faculty, which was prepared by the researcher and designed to gather information regarding gaps between the actual and the desired 1. attainment of program objectives, 2. organizational structure, 3. staff functions, and 4. human and material resource allocation.

The findings of the study showed that there was no need to redefine the guidance program objectives of the respondent schools. However, there was a need to improve the actual extent of attainment of the guidance program objectives of the three schools. With the exception of HRA, there was no need to alter the organizational structure of the guidance units of the respondent schools. It was also found that, there was no need to alter any of the guidance services of the three respondent schools however, there was a need to strengthen all its services, particularly the testing and counselling services. The functions of the guidance counselors, such as keeping and updating student's records, needed to be lessened to give more time to guidance and counselling services. Overall, there was a need to improve the guidance facilities, equipment, and materials in the three respondents schools. It may be concluded, based on the low perceptions of the teachers on the degree of attainment of the guidance program objectives, that they were not satisfied with the performance of the guidance units of the respondent schools.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

198 leaves ; 28 cm.


Educational counseling; Counseling in secondary education

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