"Phytochemical and microbiological investigation of the leaves of Leuco" by Carolyn Anoya Akilith

Phytochemical and microbiological investigation of the leaves of Leucosyke Hispidissima Wedd. (Dael)

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Teaching Major in Chemistry

Subject Categories

Chemistry | Medicinal-Pharmaceutical Chemistry


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Science Education

Thesis Adviser

Luzvisminda Rivero

Defense Panel Chair

Wyona Patalinghug

Defense Panel Member

Cecilia Flores
Consolacion Ragasa


This study dealt with the investigation of the leaves of Leucosyke hispidissima Wedd. or dael , a shrub in which the infusion of the leaves or fruits is being used as an antidiarrheal in the Mountain Province where the plant abounds. The investigation was made mainly to determine the important constituents in the leaf extract that may be responsible for its medicinal property, to isolate important constituents and to test the potential of the extract as an antimicrobial drug. A phytochemical assay was then carried out with the leaf extract. This indicated the presence of flavonoids, tannins, and polyphenolic compounds as well as probable traces of saponins, triterpenoids and anthraquinones. On subjecting the crude extract to quick column chromatography, at least two components were isolated. Both isolates were revealed to have phenolic and glycosidic nature from their IR spectra. A microbiological assay done with the crude extract and the fractions from the chromatographic separation showed antimicrobial activity against gram negative bacteria except those fractions that appeared to contain green components only. From this initial assay on the leaves of Leucosyke hispidissima Wedd., it is revealed that the extract has a potential as an antimicrobial drug. Results also showed that the medicinal and/or antimicrobial property of the plant could not be attributed to a single component in the extract but to a number of components and their combination.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

78 leaves; 28 cm.


Materia medica; Vegetable

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