The development, construct validation, reliability, and norming of the Iskala ng Kahustuhang Emosyonal

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology

Subject Categories



College of Liberal Arts




Awarded as best thesis, 1992

Thesis Adviser

Gundelina Velasco

Defense Panel Chair

Irma Coronel

Defense Panel Member

Bobby Mendoza
Joeffrey Chua


The main goal of this study is to develop an instrument that would be a reliable and valid measure of the emotional maturity level of Filipinos particularly those working in the industrial sector. This instrument, known as the Iskala ng Kahustuhang Emosyonal (IKE), is a paper and pencil test which contributes toward the Filipinization of psychological testing in the country. The items were constructed based on the data gathered from Filipino respondents concerning their concept of emotional maturity. The checklist, which was constructed based on the review of related foreign literature, open-ended questionnaire, interview with some practitioners and the pagtatanung-tanong method, was utilized to obtain the Filipino concept of emotional maturity. An initial pool of 300 items was generated based on the contend domain obtained from the checklist which was reduced to 211 after the items were examined by experts. It was further trimmed down to 193 items when some items were eliminated after a field testing for the physical form and sentence structure of the items was conducted. The main tryout form was left with 193 items in all. The respondents of the main tryout consisted of 139 Filipino adults, within the age bracket of 21-40 years old. The respondents consisted of employees from the government and private companies. The results of the main tryout were subjected to Item-total correlation for item analysis and only 137 items were accepted at a cut-off point of .35. Factor analysis was used to determine construct validity. Factor analysis identified one basic factor of construct under which all 137 items had a significant loading but failed to reveal subfactors to which the items can further be classified. Factor loadings ranged from .34008 to .66491 Alpha. Coefficient was employed to establish the reliability of the test which yielded .95214. One norm table was constructed using the percentile ranks.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

404 leaves ; 28 cm.


Emotional maturity--Philippines; Psychological tests--Philippines

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