Social behavior of mentally retarded children: Six case studies of Montessori children

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology

Subject Categories



College of Liberal Arts




Awarded as best thesis, 1983

Thesis Adviser

Salud Evangelista

Defense Panel Chair

Jesusa M. Marco

Defense Panel Member

Dorothy Keiter
Daisy Santillan


The method used is descriptive in nature, wherein a case study was made of each of 6 mentally retarded children. The case studies were drawn from structured observation, interviews with parents and teachers and an examination of documents and past histories.

The sample consisted of 6 (3 females and 3 males) MRCs from two branches of the Montessori Children's House, Inc. (Panay Center and Linaw Center). Their chronological ages range from 6-13 years. The study used purposive sampling, taking into consideration the following conditions: that their parents consented to the study at least in the school setting that they were afflicted by the same mental disorder (Down's Syndrome) that they had been evaluated as belonging to the moderate deficiency level of mental retardation and that they fell within the set age range (6-13). Of the 6 subjects, 4 belonged to the self-contained class in Linaw and 2 belonged to the integrated class in Panay.

All data were gathered over a total period of 6 weeks. This included 10 observation sessions (2x a week for 5 weeks), as well as personal interviews with teachers at school and parents at home. Files were examined for general information.

Results showed the 6MRCs to be most capable to do many of the social skills included in the checklist. They scored highest and showed more proficiency in self-help skills than in social adjustment or social interaction. Nevertheless, the MRCs still showed that they were aware of the different social situations and the appropriate behavior required although not so consistently. They obeyed rules especially those in class enforced by their teacher whose authority they respected. Their interaction behavior showed the MRCs to be very friendly and affectionate individuals. However, they also would get aggressive when displeased. Following rules of courtesy, sharing ideas and taking turns proved to be their areas of difficulty. These findings imply that the MRCs in this study do exhibit appropriate social behavior and may be considered, to a certain extent, as socially competent individuals. Support and cooperation in the family is essential to social development. The family and school must work hand in hand for the MRC's progress.

This study may be improved by studying a larger sample size and using quantitative analysis (statistical validation). A review of local literature would also enrich the study.

This study was intended to draw a profile of social behavior among mentally retarded children with Down's Syndrome specifically those of the moderately deficient level at the Montessori Children's House, Inc. In addition, the study intended to describe the social behavior by determining the ability to perform self-help skills, the degree of social adjustment and the degree of social interaction. It also identified factors related to social behavior of MRCs such as the attitudes of significant others, home environment and school environment. These were used to support or to further explain findings.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

iv, 171 leaves ; 28 cm.


Mental retardation--Case studies; Children with mental disabilities--Case studies

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