"Towards the formation of migrant Filipino and Peruvian families in Mil" by Don Alessandro Vavassori Garlaschini

Towards the formation of migrant Filipino and Peruvian families in Milan, Italy, as evangelizers of the third millennium

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education Major in Religious Education and Values Education

Subject Categories



College of Liberal Arts


Theology and Religious Education

Thesis Adviser

Natividad B. Pagadut

Defense Panel Chair

William Garvey, FSC.

Defense Panel Member

Carol Fallarme
Dudley Perera
Corazon Manalo, DC.
Jose De Mesa


The study is carried out in the city of Milan, Italy during the years 2001-2002. It is an exploration about cultural and faith values of migrant Filipino and Peruvian families living in Milan.

In the first stage of this research the author investigates the main characteristics of Filipino and Peruvian cultures looking at their ancient history before colonization. Afterwards he analyses the Spanish influence on both cultures and religions looking for the consequences in their habits and mentality at present. He highlights the cultural and religious values that identifies their human characteristics as well as the pillars of their social and religious struture. He searches for the deep roots of the Filipino and Peruvian popular devotion which characterize the common faith of migrants in Milan even today. Finally, he stresses the role of the Catholic Church that works for the formation of Christian communities in the Philippines and in Peru.

In the second stage the author analyzes the motivations for migration and the conditions of life of Filipinos and Peruvians all over the world focusing particularly on the veracity of their exploitation at home and the condition of their families abroad. Furthermore, the author specifies the responsibilities of Filipino and Peruvian governments as well as those of the host countries in defending migrants' rights and in struggling against further illegal migration. Finally, he focuses attention on the responsibility of the Catholic Church which tries to cope with migrants' tricky reality not only in Italy but also in many other countries in Europe, Asia and America.

Observation, family interviews, and survey questionnaire were the instruments used to lead a successful investigation on migrant Filipino and Peruvian families who live a process of integration in the social and religious environment of Milan. With these instruments the researcher approached the migrants' daily reality as to how they manage to keep their cultural identity, family values and religious traditions.

Solidarity and hospitality characterize Filipinos and Peruvians living in Milan. Filipinos show good harmony and union among themselves. Migrants' Christian faith has motivated them to strengthen friendship among themselves and with the Italians. Their sturdy trust in God has made Filipinos a religious people who easily adjust to any given situation to communicate their faith also to the Italians. They are familiar not only with prayer to God and to the Saints but also with the Sunday Mass where they renew their personal commitment to live as Christians. To be sure their faith grew deeper living abroad coping with their daily reality as migrants.

The most difficult obstacle to integration with the Milanese social environment is their unqualified jobs and their poor knowledge of the Italian language that make them feel inferior and be considered as laborers only. Most of them are totally dependent on their present economical condition because they have to pay high interest on the debts they have with illegal recruiter agencies.

Migrants' children live in difficult circumstances and most of them are in danger of losing their original identity and of being manipulated by drug addiction, materialism and religious skepticism. Consequently, Migrants' Social Religious centers in the dioceses of Milan are fitting instruments to support them in keeping their family customs and to offer them a correct Christian formation. This study also identifies the differences between Filipinos and Peruvians.

To conclude, the investigator has identified three major categories to support his proposals. They are Italians in general and their families who live in Milan, migrant Filipino and Peruvian families, and the Diocese of Milan represented by its parishes, priests, religious and lay people. To the Italians in general the author suggests to get to know the reasons for this widespread migration in order to oppose abuses. To the migrant Filipino and Peruvian families the researcher recommends respect of the norms and rules of Italy as they are established by law in order to ensure a peaceful existence. As a final point, the author suggests that the Diocese of Milan should rediscover the importance of human relationships in the Church rather than seek efficiency in its ministry.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

446 leaves ; 28 cm.


Spiritual formation; Migrant labor; Family

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