"The cognitive levels of the multiple choice mastery test items in sele" by Rebecca C. Nueva España

The cognitive levels of the multiple choice mastery test items in selected SEDP III textbooks based on Bloom's taxonomy

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education Major in Chemistry

Subject Categories

Secondary Education


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Science Education

Thesis Adviser

Adelaida Bago

Defense Panel Chair

Bee Ching U. Ong

Defense Panel Member

Martin Ilao
Anamy Ma. C. Paano
Rose Marie Salazar-Clemeña
Adora Pili


This research analyzes the parallel multiple-choice test items in selected SEDP III textbooks based on Bloom's Taxonomy on cognitive learning.A modified version (1992) of the existing criteria set by Bloom's (1956) and a reference guide were used in the classification schemes. The reference guide was a collection of categorized items in Chemistry.Six SEDP III textbooks adopted the parallelism scheme identified by the researcher. Fifteen topics were identified to have parallel test items across textbooks. Three hundred fifteen out of 342 items initially selected were perceived relevant to the topics identified by the referees. The items perceived to be relevant were then subjected to Bloom's Cognitive Classification Scheme. This was done with the assistance of both the authors (As) and the experts. The results of the author's classification (AC) were compared to the results of the referees' classification (RC). The RC was taken as the criterion variable. The comparison was done to establish the agreement between the authors' and the experts' classifications.The results of the analysis showed that majority of the multiple-choice items in the textbooks were perceived relevant to the topics. The items conformed with the objectives of the Minimum Learning Desired Competencies (MLDC) set by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) as a guide.

The analysis revealed that the six textbooks focused on four cognitive levels. These much emphasized levels were on (1) knowledge, (2) comprehension, (3) application, and (4) analysis. The results revealed that there was a significant variation in the distribution of test items in terms of the four cognitive levels across the textbooks. The number of knowledge, comprehension, application, and analysis level items were different from topic to topic across textbooks. Synthesis and evaluation level items were also absent. Most of the items analyzed in the textbooks were beyond simple recall.The order of the cognitive levels in terms of percentage in the overall results of both the authors' and the experts' classifications appeared as follows: CoKnApAn. The overall results of the AC and RC showed agreement as to the order of cognitive levels of the sic SEDP III textbooks.The study showed that the selection process and the adopted parallelism scheme could be considered as valid methods for analyzing textbooks.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

275 leaves ; Computer print-out


Cognitive Abilities Test; Ability--Testing; , Multiple-choice examinations; Textbooks; Science--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Teaching aids and devices; Education, Secondary

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