Case analysis and evaluation of Community Extension Service Programs (CESP) of private tertiary schools in Region IV: Towards the development of a management model

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education Major in Educational Management

Subject Categories

Civic and Community Engagement | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Leadership


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Adviser

Belen De Jesus

Defense Panel Chair

Flordeliza C. Reyes

Defense Panel Member

Roberto T. Borromeo
Estrellita V. Gruenberg
Adelaida Bago
Melecio Deauna


This study attempts to describe and evaluate the management of Community Extension Service Programs (CESP) in private tertiary schools in Region IV for the purpose of evolving a CESP management manual.A preliminary survey by mail was made among the tertiary schools in Region IV to determine the schools with CESP engaging in any of the program areas, specifically for the past three years. With an endorsement letter from DECS Region IV Director, a follow up visit was made to verify data and to determine sampling of personnel, students and clientele based on the given population. The barangay or community leader was also considered a respondent. The leader was interviewed, a copy of the program's documents and records were requested, and a request to visit and compare the communities was made.A descriptive evaluative design was made to evolve a tentative management process model of CESP in Region IV. The descriptive design involved a qualitative case analysis of 13 CESP of 12 schools in terms of 7 management dimensions. The evaluation of the program covered its effectiveness of attaining the program's goals and objectives and the impact of the program on the values of the participants and the physical socio-economic changes in the community. The Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) model of Stufflebeam was used to evaluate the program. Finally, the results of the descriptive case analysis and program evaluation were analyzed to determine the components of the CESP management model and the process of managing the program.

The case analysis findings put forth the conclusion that the CESP of the respondent schools are generally well established integrated activities initiated by school heads long after the founding of the school, to address the assessed needs of the community, the school's social mission and curricular requirement and one of the trilogical functions of institutions of higher learning, namely extension. Despite inadequacies in material resources and attitudinal problem of ningas cogon, the CESP are sustained by worthy objectives, participative management style, full support, involvement and commitment of volunteer workers and clientele, and assistance of external linkages with agencies and institutions.Regardless of the kinds of institutions and its course offering, the types and sectors, needs and problems of communities served, level of program development, human and physical resources, delivery mechanisms and services rendered, the CESP are successful in achieving program goals and objectives however participants have different standards of measuring effectiveness. CESP are effective mechanisms of social transformation but created only a minimal change on the physical socio-economic conditions. On the whole, participants have expressed the continuation of the program.The CESP can be initiated or replicated in other institutions of learning following the basics of the six phase management model for CESP.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

442 leaves ; Computer print-out


Private schools; Service learning; Community Extension Service Program (CESP); Educational planning; Volunteer workers in education

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