"Factors explaining the intent to turnover among agents within selected" by Jose Marting J. Makalintal

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Human Resources Management


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization

Thesis Adviser

Maria Victoria Tibon

Defense Panel Chair

Raymund Habaradas

Defense Panel Member

Jaime Cempron
Reynaldo Bautista
Maria Paquita Bonnet
Vivien Supangco


The call center sector has been struggling with employee retention. Apart from resulting in high costs to deal with increased recruitment and training activities, companies have also had to come to terms with decreased productivity and profit. Past studies have attempted to address employee retention, with quite large a number devoted to matching workers to their companies, measuring the satisfaction they derive, and looking at the availability of alternative job offers, but turnover rates continue to remain high. An overlooked approach to the phenomenon of employee retention is the use of culture. In testing its viability, a framework that makes use of these three aforementioned elements was subjected to culture in order to predict turnover, which is the opposite side of the coin for retention. The information used in this study was collected from several call center companies through a survey. The data was then encoded and processed with the aid of a linear regression tool. While the results returned indicate that the tested hypotheses were not supported, the exercise was able to provide a level of depth not found in current studies. Specifically, it appears that call centers have focused on matching the work values of employees with

heir own organizations over other areas. Another implication is that money is important to employees when it comes to work. Call centers may still benefit from the other aspects of this study. By examining some of the answers returned by respondents, they can adjust their strategies to, at the very least, make sure that there is a person-organization match. The government and its citizens also stand to benefit from the results of this study. Since call centers contribute a substantial portion to the Philippine economy, their well-being can help in lowering unemployment rates and paying taxes. It is believed that achieving the full potential of culturally-based research may be realized in future studies as this dissertation merely serves to lay down the foundation for its viability. Replicating this study under different conditions, such as limiting them to single companies or running the survey at a different time may help overcome the limitations encountered.

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Employee retention; Call center agents—Psychology

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