Predicting academic success in mathematics: The role of self-efficacy and its sources, grade goal, and effort regulation

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology Major in Educational Measurement and Evaluation


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Ma. Alicia Bustos Orosa

Defense Panel Chair

John Addy S. Garcia

Defense Panel Member

Jerome A. Ouano
Jose Alberto S. Reyes
Maricar S. Prudente
Elmer D. Dela Rosa


Traditionally, academic success in college is predicted by intelligence and prior achievement, such as high school grades. Research has shown, however, that nonintellective factors like personality, motivation, self-regulated learning, and approaches to learning, among others, significantly influence academic success. Three of the strongest non-intellective predictors of academic success identified from a meta-analysis are self-efficacy, effort regulation and grade goal (Richardson, Abraham, & Bond, 2012). Among these non-intellective factors, self-efficacy has been found to be a stable and universal predictor of academic success across different disciplines, in various age groups and across different nationalities. Using a mixed-methods sequential explanatory design, the current study sought to examine how these non-intellective factors influence academic success in undergraduate mathematics. The quantitative phase (N = 661) employed a prospective, predictive research design to (1) test a mediation model that links self-efficacy to academic success, through effort regulation and grade goal and (2) to examine the relative contribution of socially conferred sources of self-efficacy (vicarious experience and social persuasion) in explaining differences in mathematics self-efficacy, over and above the contribution of self-referent sources of self-efficacy (mastery experience and emotional and physiological states). The quantitative phase confirmed that (1) mathematics self-efficacy influences mathematics achievement through effort regulation and grade goal and (2) mastery experience remains to be the most powerful source of self-efficacy, but vicarious experience from teacher, social persuasion by teacher, and social persuasion by family still significantly predict mathematics self-efficacy, when the contribution of self-referent sources is controlled. In the qualitative phase 11 students (6 high achievers and 5 low achievers) from the quantitative sample were interviewed in order to elaborate the relationships

that were identified in the quantitative phase. The qualitative phase explained how grade goal and effort regulation help students of varying levels of self-efficacy to perform well in undergraduate math. Furthermore, the qualitative phase found that Filipino college students interpret efficacy information from social models as a confirmation of their ability, which they consider as a mastery experience. The results of the quantitative and qualitative phases were integrated in the general discussion section and implications for mathematics instructors and parents with college-aged children are elaborated.

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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall


Self-efficacy; Prediction of scholastic success; College students

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