"A proposed formation program for the members of consecrated life of Nh" by Thi Hong Ngueyen

A proposed formation program for the members of consecrated life of Nha Trang Dioces Vietnam

Thi Hong Ngueyen


The thesis is raised from the background of Nha Trang Diocese where the members of consecrated life are invited to live and carry out their mission by the spirituality of relationship leading to the life of self-giving. This study is designed to fulfill the works as well as to respond to the needs of the Nha Trang Diocese.

This study was based on the Biblical foundation and the important guidelines of the teachings of the Church like the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference and the Ecclesia in Asia about mission of consecrated life. This subjects of this study were one-hundred and twenty members of consecrated life who were studying in the July theology class in Nha Trang Diocese. This study used a quantitative descriptive research design. Most of the respondents had professesed vows of chastity, poverty and obedience as a sister of the living Word for a designated period of the time and continue to grow into their vowed commitment and concerned for the future of the Church and of the people. The religious knowledge of their faith was found to be positively significant in most aspects of their mission. If they dont have belief in the Catholic Church, they can not bring Gods love to everybody. So they must have a deep experience of God. However, the elements of the religious life were Vows, Community, Prayer and Mission- were not satisfactory and need improvement, vis-a-vis with their mission.

From these findings, it led to the proposed formation program for the members of consecrated life in Nha Trang Diocese in mission.