"Assessing students' views and perspectives on spiritual and moral issu" by Ma Rhea C. Castillo

Assessing students' views and perspectives on spiritual and moral issues towards a Christian formation program for OP-Siena schools

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education Major in Religious Education and Values Education

Subject Categories

Religious Education


College of Liberal Arts


Theology and Religious Education

Thesis Adviser

Rito V. Baring

Defense Panel Chair

Rebecca G. Cacho

Defense Panel Member

Willard Enrique R. Macaraan
Luis C. Sembrano
Auria U. Arabit
Jaime A. Belita


The study examined the views and perspectives of the OP-Siena Grade seven to Grade ten students pertaining to spiritual and moral issues. It used the OP-Siena Core Values Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity. The overarching values are Truth and Compassion. The two values were cascaded in the congregational Priorities of Contemplation, Communion, Compassion and Creation.

The number of young respondents (N = 1.216) became the subjects of the study. The study made used the descriptive method of having researcher made survey questionnaire. The quantitative approach was to analyze the data utilizing mean, standard deviation, frequencies, the Mann Whitney U - Test and the Kruskal-Wallis.

The study showed whether there would be significant differences of the different grade levels in dealing with the congregational priorities in relation to the respondents' profile namely gender, parents' marital status, parental presence and students' companion at home.

Findings show that there were areas in the congregational priorities which have not be affected by the gender's profile but there were also being affected. Through the survey questionnaire, the spiritual and moral needs were being identified. This led to the design of a Christian Formation Program. The Christian Formation Program provides a continuing formation and education with the view of supplying or improving the religious instruction. Topics/Modules to be given were based on the response of the OP-Siena School System to the identified spiritual, intellectual, moral and formation needs of the young people. Likewise to achieve the mission-vision of the Educational Ministry, topics \ modules as well as possible program activities are to be given to the young people of the Dominican Sienan institutions.

The Christian Formation Program caters to the spiritual, moral, intellectual needs of the body. The OP-Siena Youth Christian Formation Program helps those who follow Christ to walk and live in God's grace. It helps those who follow Christ to walk and live with God. It helps also these to live in the presence of God as well as to respond to the call of Jesus to love another.

Abstract Format






Accession Number

TG06854; CDTG006895

Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

197 leaves, colored illustrations ; 28 cm


Spiritual formation; Moral education; Values -- Religious aspects; Truth -- Religious aspects; Compassion -- Religious aspects; Contemplation; Creation; Catholic schools

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