"A dispatching model for a railway transit system with finite capacity" by Agnes P. Austria, Marielle D. Galarosa et al.

A dispatching model for a railway transit system with finite capacity

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering


Gokongwei College of Engineering


Industrial and Systems Engineering


The formulated model is an optimal train dispatching policy for Railway Transit System that considers the number of passengers at a particular station and the capacity of each train given a definite time interval. Moreover, it assumes constant travel time, headway, stopping time and the available number of passengers to board and alight a station. It is subjected to time, sequencing, succeeding stop, and capacity constraint. This model aims to maximize the number of passengers that will be served for a specific train operation. A mixed integer non-linear programming is applied for the formulation of the mathematical model. The software GAMS is used to validate the model. However, the model inputted was linearized thus, there were new sets of variable and constraints introduced. Moreover, the data used to validate the model was from the Light Railway Transit System (LRT). The sensitivity analysis of the model is made by changing the values of the parameters t (operating time), Qij (average number of passengers that board) and Rij (average number of passengers that alight). Also, a computer software is generated to be able to utilize the proposed model readily. It has been concluded that as the number of passengers to board, Qij and alight a station Rij and operating time, o are increased, the objective function also increases. Train chooses the station that tends to give a greater number of passenger served.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

117 numb. leaves ; Computer print-out.


Railroads; Railroad engineering; Programming (Mathematics); Electric railroads; Railroads--Train load

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