"Shoes to fill : mobilizing against the chalenges of being a Filipino s" by Catherine Rose E. Estepa, Ma. Coleen C. Galura et al.

Shoes to fill : mobilizing against the chalenges of being a Filipino stepparent

Added Title

Shoes to fill.;"Dealing with step-relationships."

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology

Subject Categories



College of Liberal Arts



Defense Panel Member

Maria Madelene Sta. Maria


Entering into an already established household, a stepparent may face challenges distinct to the experiences of a stepfamily. In line with that, the purpose of this study was to identify the different challenges faced by stepparents as well as to determine how stepparents addressed these challenges, with the influence of gender differences in consideration. Four main categories were identified: (1) Challenges in building a step-relationship, (2) Strategies utilized by stepparents to address the challenges, (3) Quality of step parent and stepchild relationship, (4) Facilitating factors in building a step-relationship. For each category, there were overarching themes and corresponding subthemes found. For the first category, the supporting themes ae as follows: Difficulties in accepting a new family condition Difficulties in establishing an initial connection with the stepchild Difficulties in parenting within the stepfamily & nonresidential biological parent's presence i the step-relationship. As for the second category: Stepparent accepting and adjusting the stepfamily situation Setting expectations and rules in raising stepchildren, & Setting role boundaries between biological parent and stepparent. For the third category: The acceptance of the stepparent, stepchild and the family. The boundary of interaction of the step parent and stepchild in the step-relationship, & the absence of conflicts during the formative years of the step-relationship. The last category has a total of five themes: Acceptance of the idea of the stepfamily Non-involvement of nonresidential biological parent Presence of opportunities to build step-relationships, Influences coming from outside the stepfamily, & Influence of personal attributes and character traits.

Abstract Format



Running head: Shoes to fill. At head of abstract: Dealing with step-relationships.





Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 volume (various foliations) ; 29 cm.


Stepfamilies; Stepparents; Stepfathers; Stepmothers; Stepchildren; Stepdaughters; Stepbrothers; Family crises

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