"A self-concept enhancement program for the freshman students of the Co" by Christine N. De los Reyes, Rosanne Lynne R. Dungo et al.

A self-concept enhancement program for the freshman students of the College of Liberal Arts of DLSU

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology

Subject Categories



College of Liberal Arts




This study aims to design a self-concept enhancement program for college freshman of De La Salle University. The study is made up of four phases. In the Needs Analysis phase, the descriptive research design was utilized. A total of 275 CLA freshman students of DLSU were randomly selected to take the Pasao Self-Concept Rating Scale. Results show that a considerable percentage (44 percent) of the freshman students have a low self-concept, or that they lag in most of the self-concept, or that they lag in most of the self-concept areas of dimensions. For purposes of this study, however, only the two self-concept areas (Emotionality and Goal Directedness) which obtained the lowest mean scores, were the ones given focus by the researchers in writing a self-concept enhancement program. The activities in the program were either sourced from renowned books or authors, or developed by the researchers themselves. Objectives, contents and strategies adopted in the program were subjected to the appraisal of two groups of experts. The reviews given by the experts were taken into regard in improving the program. Afterwhich, the revised program was then tried out among 13 selected CLA freshman students. This was done to assess possible short-term and long-term indicators of the program's effectiveness, as well as the best/least liked components of the program. Effectiveness of the program was, likewise, tested through the try-out. Results of the McNemar Change Test indicate that the level of self-concept of the participants was indeed improved after the program.

However, no significant difference was found between the self-concept levels of the participants and non-participants through the Wilcoxon Mann Whitney Test. The level of significance for the two tests were set at .05, with a degree of freedom of one (df=1).

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

436 leaves ; Computer print-out.


Self-concept; College freshmen; De La Salle University College of Liberal Arts; De La Salle University--Students

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