"A marketing plan for Mindmap Commtech Inc. Uload" by Pratik H. Abichandani, Philip F. Ebersole et al.

A marketing plan for Mindmap Commtech Inc. Uload

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising

Thesis Adviser

Raymond Vergara


The Uload machine is the latest technological trend for e-loading mobile phones here in the Philippines. It is marketed as a product that would be convenient to customers because the key feature of the product is that it sells e-load for the 6 major mobile networks in the Philippines. Mindmap Commtech Inc., being a startup company, doesn't have past sales volumes and marketing strategies as a basis for strategies which is the reason why they mostly rely on research and statistics in order to implement their plans. The launch, which was in May 2011, marked the start of the products entrance in the Philippine market.

The Uload targets 16-20 year old students and 21-25 year old graduates and people who are in their first jobs of the socio-economic class C. The objectives are: (1) to create 40% awareness for the primary market and 15% of the secondary market, targeting a total of 400,959 of the primary target and 141,255 of the secondary market of the total 1,944,098, (2) To achieve 60% product trial of 541,314 of the total market who are aware and, (3) 45% retention of those who went on trial. These percentages are what the company aims to attain by the end of the first year.

In order to achieve the objectives, the company will conduct above the line and below the line advertising, consumer promotions, and public relations programs that are aimed at the target market. The campaign is set to begin on September 2011. The goal of the campaign is create awareness for the Uload and in the long run, to attempt to change the way the target market loads their mobile phones that is, to incorporate the Uload in their loading routine.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 computer disc ; 4 3/4 in.


Mindmap Commtech Inc (Philippines)--Marketing

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