"Office of Sports Development-Support System (OSD-SS)" by Lauriene S. Abila, Carolina S. Borja et al.

Office of Sports Development-Support System (OSD-SS)

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


College of Computer Studies


Computer Science


The Office of Sports Development (OSD), exists to give assistance to the athletes of De La Salle University. The office is given the tasks of pre-enrolling athletes who need assistance, determining the athletes' common time for practices, evaluating their academic and athletic performance, allocating scholarship to the deserving athletes, transacting business with the offices inside and outside the university, and monitoring the expenses incurred by the office. To improve the operations of OSD, the objectives set by the proponents revolve on the analysis of the workflow of OSD. In the objective of assisting the office in its operational tasks, Office of Sports Development - Support System (OSD-SS) was designed and developed through the use of a relational database software. Upon the implementation of the developed software, the office is provided with a better means of managing the data they gather. Among the computerized operations of OSD are the preparation of course offerings for athletes, preparation of exempted and advanced enrollee lists, preparation of scholarship reports, monitoring of academic standing of athletes, monitoring of UAAP eligibility of athletes, processing of the information regarding athletes, and monitoring the expenses of the office. An improvement of the system could be the elimination of the downloading of files from the Computer Services Center by connecting the system with the VAX.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

3 v. ; 28 cm.


Information storage and retrieval systems; De La Salle University Office of Sports Development--Automation

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