"Analyzing the importance of work motivation as it leads to employee's " by Annamarie Therese M. Kahayon, Monica Chiara B. Maulion et al.

Analyzing the importance of work motivation as it leads to employee's work effort, and how perceived competence and physical work environment satisfaction influence the relationship

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology

Subject Categories

Industrial and Organizational Psychology | Psychology


College of Liberal Arts



Thesis Adviser

Melissa Lucia Lopez Reyes

Defense Panel Member

Laurene Chua Garcia


The purpose of the study is to determine what factors could capitalize work effort of employees by focusing on the importance of both the worker and the workplace. The researchers brought together different variables that could measure work motivation, specifically intrinsic motivation, career insight, extrinsic motivation, and perceived supervisor support, and were predicted to lead to employee's work effort. Additionally, the work motivation variables were assumed to lead to perceived competence before it proceeds to work effort. Satisfaction of the physical work environment was also included to ascertain if it affects the employee's work effort. A quantitative research design was used to analyze the data for the relationships of the variables. Results showed that when employees are intrinsically motivated, have career goals that are parallel to their task, and have supportive supervisors, this will lead to thought of being competent in their work. Scores for perceived supervisor support showed a high effect to employee's perceived competence, which in turn increases work effort, while their physical work environment satisfaction presented no impact as regards to this.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

117 leaves; 28 cm.


Employee motivation; Work environment; Job satisfaction; Personnel management

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