"A formative-summative evaluation of the European studies curriculum" by Eva Janelle T. Dy, Zenylyn L. Inigo et al.

A formative-summative evaluation of the European studies curriculum

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Major in European Studies

Subject Categories

International and Area Studies


College of Liberal Arts


International Studies


This paper is about the Formative-Summative Evaluation of the European Studies Curriculum. This study attempted to evaluate the European Studies Curriculum of De La Salle University. The evaluation was done by the European Studies graduates. The instruments used were survey and in-depth interview. Surveys were distributed among the graduates while interviews were conducted to four graduates only-two of these graduates having a job related to the European Studies curriculum the other, their exact opposite. Data gathering was done during the second week of the third trimester of 1996-1997. Phone brigades and personal meetings with the respondents were conducted. Gathered data were analyzed by tallying the individual responses results were then presented in a tabular form. Interviews and responses from open-ended questions were content analyzed. As for the result, the researchers found out that most of the graduates are females and most of them are shiftees. The main reason why the graduates entered the curriculum is because they are interested on it. The graduates expected to learn about politics, culture, languages and history concerning Europe. These were actually met by the curriculum at a great extent. As for the different aspects of the curriculum, the graduates were moderately satisfied with the teaching competencies of the faculty, course offerings, supplementary activities, textbooks and content of major subjects. The graduates considered the subject- Foreign Language as very useful in preparing them in their occupation. From the data gathered, the researchers conclude that the European Studies is effective. One way or the other, the graduates were satisfied with the curriculum.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

63 numb. leaves ; Computer print-out.


Curriculum--Evaluation; De La Salle University-- Curricula; Educational evaluation; Educational surveys

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