"The outdoor play program of selected DepEd recognized preschools" by Kristine L. Chua, Anna Camille D. Santos et al.

The outdoor play program of selected DepEd recognized preschools

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Adviser

Michaela P. Munoz

Defense Panel Member

Maricar G. De Ocampo
Lilia S. Bautista


The three participant DepEd organized preschools in the National Capital Region namely: Happy Hearts Preschool, Caterpillar Preschool, and Explorations Preschool were examined as regards their outdoor play program, its main purposes and elements, as anchored on the concepts and principles of Christie, Johnson, and Wardle (2005) and Stoecklin (2006), respectively.

The study covered the Directors of the preschools and a sample of its teachers (N=6). The teacher respondents have been with the school for at least two years. The two-year length of service on the part of the teachers was assumed to be sufficient enough for the teachers to assess knowingly their outdoor play program.

Existing outdoor play program purposes and its elements were unveiled in the study by conducting observations, qualitative interviews, and document analysis in order to provide triangulation.

Across schools, the participant directness and teachers affirmed that the five main purposes of outdoor play (i.e., (1) Physical Exercise, (2) Enjoyment of the Outdoors, (3) Learning About the World, (4) Learning about Self and the Environment, and (5) Allowing Children to be Children) and its eight elements (i.e., (1) Outdoor Users, (2) Use of Nature, (3) Accessibility, (4) Equipment, (5) Supervision, (6) Storage, (7) Diversity, and (8) Shade) are being manifested in their own preschools.

The results of the study revealed that outdoor play program plays a significant role in the child's growth and development. Moreover, outdoor activities, which the children definitely enjoy, promote physical exercise. The participant directresses and teachers strongly believe that anything can be taught during outdoor play and they regard this as a time in which children can become their real selves. Lastly, shade and appropriate storage during outdoor play is given emphasis.

Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, it is recommended that future researchers may conduct replications of the study not only in preschools in the National Capital Region but also in other regions of the country. Moreover, similar studies in the higher levels such as grades one to grade three may be conducted as well as studies aimed at enhancing the relevance of play, particularly outdoor play.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

viii, 80 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm.


Education, Preschool--Activity program; Creative activities and seat work; Outdoor recreation for children--Philippines; Preschool children--Philippines

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