"A proposed algorithm for finding the minimum cost of traveling in the " by Arexis Emmanuelle I. Cuevas and Zindi Nicole D. Otero

A proposed algorithm for finding the minimum cost of traveling in the Philippines

Arexis Emmanuelle I. Cuevas
Zindi Nicole D. Otero


We propose an algorithm combining the farthest insertion algorithm and Dijkstra's algorithm. This algorithm is an application of the Traveling Salesman Problem in a graph. The vertices of the graphs are the regions of the Philippines. In each vertex, there are sub-vertices representing the various cities/provinces of that particular region. We call such graph as the regional graph of the Philippines. The main objective of the study is to generate a tour visiting all or a selected number of regions in the Philippines exactly once, with the tour having the least cost or its approximation. A computer program applying the proposed algorithm to the regional graph of the Philippines was developed. This program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 (VB.net) is called Phil Trip. All eighteen regions (vertices) and cities/province containing the airports (sub-vertices) are in the database of Phil Trip.