"Ang dahilan kung bakit: An analysis of the causal attributions of stud" by Patricia F. Duran, Geraldine G. Hizon et al.

Ang dahilan kung bakit: An analysis of the causal attributions of student academic achievers and low achievers in DLSU

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology


College of Liberal Arts




The descriptive design was used to analyze the causal attributions of DLSU student academic achievers and low achievers for their successes and failures. A total of 264 De La Salle University students coming from the different colleges within the university, namely: CLA, CBE, COE, and CCS participated in the study. 194 of the respondents were achievers and 70 were low achievers. The main instrument administered was the MASQ developed by the researchers. A content analysis on the responses to the open-ended questions identified effort as the main cause for success and laziness/lack of effort as the main cause for failure. In analyzing the effects of sex and group (achievers and low achievers), the Two Way Analysis of Variance was conducted. The results yielded significant differences in the ratings of achievers and low achievers for successes along the dimensions locus of causality, stability, and globality. Significant differences were found in the ratings of achievers and low achievers for failures along the dimension locus of causality and stability. Sex played a significant role in the ratings for successes and failures along all the four dimensions. An interaction effect was present only for success situations along the stability dimension. The data was tested at alpha level of .05. The attributional style associated with achievers and low achievers is internal, stable, global, and controllable. Low achievers adhere to the same attributional style for success outcomes.

They followed the same attributional style for failure situations along all the dimensions except globality where no trend was discovered.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

[168] leaves ; Computer print-out.


Academic achievement; College students; De La Salle University--Students

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